The applet doesn't work
The applet would not load : it appears (usually) on the browser as an empty rectangle, with a red cross.
Many possible reasons. Open the Java Console, and check the error. It often can be opened, by right clicking on the
applet (actually .. the empty rectangle). If the error is not clear enough for a solution, post a message
on the support forum to get help.
It may be due to :
- Any specific error, on your local configuration, visible on the Java Console.
- A personal (or global) firewall, which would filter the applet jar file
- The applet are not allowed to run on the navigator. Check its options.
The applet displays Picture 'picture name' is too big. It will be uploaded unchanged (no rotation, resizing...).
This message is displayed when the applet runs out of memory.
A first step, if you control the applet configuration (i.e.: on your Intranet), then this link gives
the solution: howtoincreaseappletmemory.html
As complementary information : default configuration is to have pictureTransmitMetadata to false
(see /apidocs/wjhk/jupload2/policies/UploadPolicy.html for details)
This make necessary the creation of a new picture. Thus, making you come into the issue you encountered.
To avoid it, you may reduce the target picture size (maxPicHeight and/or maxPicWidth) or put
pictureTransmitMetadata to true. In the latter case, you'll need to check that you're picture are displayed
correctly (see pictureTransmitMetadata doc)
Question about the use of JUpload with eclise
How to use maven with eclipse?
Please read the 'HowTo-compile' page, on this site, for details.
Any error when compiling with eclipse? (especially class not found error)
If you use a maven plugin for eclipse, take care that you checked JUpload out, with knowledge of JUpload being a
maven project. For the m2eclipse plugin, on the SVN repository perspective, right-click on the trunk folder,
then select 'Checkout as a Maven project'.
If you don't use maven, you need to run the /build.xml ant build file at least one. It will download
dependencies and build the eclipse classpath. To do this: check out JUpload as a project, or create a new
project from a JUpload release. Right-click on the build.xml file, and select 'Run as' / 'ant buld file'.
To repeat run or debug, with the same applet parameters, the easiest way is to create a run/debug configuration.
To do this:
Go to the Debug Configuration or Run Configuration
Select the JUploadApplet, which should appear under the Java Applet item.
Run it (I guess you alread did that), by right-clicking on the applet java file, and select Run As / Java Applet
Click on the arrow, just on the right of the debug (or run) button.
Select the 'Organize Favorites...' item
Click on the 'Add...' button
Select the JUploadApplet, and add it.
Then, you can save any launching configuration by going to the Debug configurations... (through the menu, available
by the arrow just right to the debug button), or the Run configurations... (through the menu, available by the arrow
just right to the run button).
NoClassDefFoundError error when launching the applet (com/sun/deploy/appcontext/AppContext)
This occurs for me, when using PortableEclipse. It can also occurs when the Java settigns are not totally accurate.
The easiest way to get around this error is to manually add (the good) plugin.jar to the run classpath. To do that:
Right click on the applet class
Select the JUploadApplet, which should appear under the Java Applet item (if not, check the above FAQ item)
Go to the classpath part
Select the 'Bootstrap Entries...' button
Select the 'Add External JARs...' button
Then add the plugin.jar, of your current JVM, and add it to the classpath
Execution issues
You create a new jar on the web server, but your navigator only display the previous version.
The easiest way to force the navigator to reload the applet, is to close, then re-open it.
Another way is to open the java console, then type 'x' to clear the class loader cache. You can then type
'l' to check that the class loader cache is actually empty.
You create a new jar on the web server, but your navigator only display the previous version.
The easiest way to force the navigator to reload the applet, is to close, then re-open it.
Another way is to open the java console, then type 'x' to clear the class loader cache. You can then type
'l' to check that the class loader cache is actually empty.
I get the HTTP 401 Error, when trying to upload a file.
See HTTP Status Code Definitions for all
details, on the HTTP return codes.
You should use the specificHeaders applet parameter.
Something like the line below should do the trick:
echo '>param name="specificHeaders" value="Proxy-Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode("Aladdin:open sesame").'">';
You'll find another way to do this in PHP, in
this thread
>param name="specificHeaders" value="Authorization: Basic >?=base64_encode("{$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]}:{$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]}")?>" />
The resulting line should look like this one:
Proxy-Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
You need more information?
Any other problem?
Please take a look to the available documentation on
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