View Javadoc
1   //
2   // $Id: 287 2007-06-17 09:07:04 +0000 (dim., 17 juin 2007)
3   // felfert $
4   //
5   // jupload - A file upload applet.
6   // Copyright 2007 The JUpload Team
7   //
8   // Created: 2006-05-04
9   // Creator: etienne_sf
10  // Last modified: $Date: 2015-03-15 14:50:53 +0100 (dim., 15 mars 2015) $
11  //
12  // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
13  // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
14  // Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
15  // version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16  // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
17  // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
18  // details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
20  // 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
22  package wjhk.jupload2.policies;
24  import java.awt.Cursor;
25  import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDropEvent;
26  import;
27  import java.util.Locale;
29  import javax.swing.Icon;
30  import javax.swing.JButton;
31  import javax.swing.JLabel;
32  import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
33  import javax.swing.JPanel;
34  import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
35  import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
37  import wjhk.jupload2.context.JUploadContext;
38  import wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadException;
39  import wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionStopAddingFiles;
40  import wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadIOException;
41  import wjhk.jupload2.filedata.FileData;
42  import wjhk.jupload2.gui.JUploadFileChooser;
43  import wjhk.jupload2.gui.JUploadFileFilter;
44  import wjhk.jupload2.gui.JUploadFileView;
45  import wjhk.jupload2.gui.JUploadPanel;
46  import wjhk.jupload2.gui.filepanel.FilePanel;
47  import wjhk.jupload2.gui.image.PictureDialog;
48  import wjhk.jupload2.upload.helper.ByteArrayEncoder;
50  /**
51   * This package contains upload policies, which allow easy configuration of the applet behavior. <br>
52   * <br>
53   * The class {@link DefaultUploadPolicy} contains a default implementation for all UploadPolicy methods. <br>
54   * <br>
55   * <h4><a name="parameters">Parameters</a></h4> <!-- ATTENTION: The following comment is used by Ant build. DO NOT
56   * CHANGE!! --> <!-- ANT_COPYDOC_START -->
57   * <p>
58   * Here is the list of all parameters available in the current package, that is: available in available upload policies.
59   * These are applet parameters that can be 'given' to the applet, with <PARAM> tags, as explained below in the <a
60   * href="#example">example</a>.
61   * </p>
62   * <P>
63   * Let's start with some hints: <DIR>
64   * <LI><A href="debugLevel">debugLevel</A> and <A href="showLogWindow">showLogWindow</A>: I recommend putting debugLevel
65   * to 99 and showLogWindow to onError.
66   * <LI><A href="maxFileSize">maxFileSize</A>: this prevents the user to upload too big files. The value depends on your
67   * needs.
68   * <LI><A href="#maxChunkSize">maxChunkSize</A>: allows you to override the server's maximum upload file size. The
69   * uploaded file will be split in pieces of maxChunkSize bytes. Then, it's up to you to concatenate the file pieces,
70   * into a server script. There are sample in this doc, and in the JUpload wiki. Please add your samples also...</DIR>
71   * </P>
72   * <table border="1">
73   * <tr>
74   * <th>Parameter name</th>
75   * <th>Default value / <br>
76   * Implemented in</th>
77   * <th>Description</th>
78   * </tr>
79   * <tr>
80   * <td>afterUploadTarget<br>
81   * Since 2.9.2rc4</td>
82   * <td>_self<br>
83   * <br>
84   * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
85   * <td>This parameter allows to select a specific target frame when redirecting to <code>afterUploadURL</code>. The
86   * following values are possible:<br>
87   * <ul>
88   * <li><code>_self</code> - Show in the window and frame that contain the applet.</li>
89   * <li><code>_parent</code> - Show in the applet's parent frame. If the applet's frame has no parent frame, acts the
90   * same as <i>_self</i>.</li>
91   * <li><code>_top</code> - Show in the top-level frame of the applet's window. If the applet's frame is the top-level
92   * frame, acts the same as <i>_self</i>.</li>
93   * <li><code>_blank</code> - Show in a new, unnamed top-level window.
94   * <li><i>name</i> - Show in the frame or window named <i>name</i>. If a target named <i>name</i> does not already
95   * exist, a new top-level window with the specified name is created, and the document is shown there.</li>
96   * </ul>
97   * See also: {@link java.applet.AppletContext#showDocument(, java.lang.String)}</td>
98   * </tr>
99   * <tr>
100  * <td>afterUploadURL</td>
101  * <td><i>null</i><br>
102  * since 2.9.0<br>
103  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
104  * <td>This parameter is used by all policies. It allows the applet to change the current page to another one after a
105  * successful upload. <br>
106  * This allows, for instance, to display a page containing the file description of the newly uploaded page. Since
107  * version 3.0.2b2, you can specify a JavaScript expression instead of a plain URL. So afterUploadURL can now contain:<br>
108  * <UL>
109  * <LI><B>A javascript expression</B>: The URL must start by <I>javascript:</I>. See below for details.</LI>
110  * <LI><B>A http URL</B>: the navigator will open this URL, in the current page or another, according to the
111  * <I>afterUploadTarget</I> parameter. Any URL that doesn't start by <I>javascript:</I> is handled as an http URL.</LI>
112  * </UL>
113  * If the value of afterUploadURL starts with the string "javascript:", the remainder of the string is evaluated as
114  * JavaScript expression in the current document context. For example: If afterUloadURL is<br>
115  * <code>"javascript:alert('Thanks for the upload');"</code>,</br> then after a successful upload, a messagebox would
116  * pop up. Since 3.0.2b3 there are now three place holders available which can be used as parameters in function calls:
117  * <ul>
118  * <li><code>%success%</code> is replaced by <b>true</b> or <b>false</b> depending on upload success.
119  * <li><code>%msg%</code> is replaced by an unquoted string, containing the error message received from the server (if
120  * any). Inside that string, all occurrences of the single-quote character (hex 27) are quoted by backslashes.
121  * <li><code>%body%</code> is replaced by an unquoted string, containing the complete response body. Inside that string,
122  * all occurrences of the single-quote character (hex 27) are quoted by backslashes.
123  * </ul>
124  * So if you set afterUloadURL to <code>"javascript:alert('%body%');"</code>, then the resulting message box will show
125  * the body content of the last server response.</td>
126  * </tr>
127  * <tr>
128  * <td>albumId</td>
129  * <td>-1 <br>
130  * <br>
131  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy}</td>
132  * <td>This parameter is only used by CoppermineUploadPolicy. So it is to be used to upload into a <a
133  * href="">coppermine picture gallery</a>. This parameter contains the identifier of
134  * the album, where pictures should be used. See CoppermineUploadPolicy for an example. <br>
135  * Before upload, CoppermineUploadPolicy. {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy#beforeUpload()} checks
136  * that the albumId is correct, that is: >=1.</td>
137  * </tr>
138  * <tr>
139  * <td>allowedFileExtensions</td>
140  * <td><i>empty string</i><br>
141  * since 2.9.0<br>
142  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
143  * <td>This parameter allows the caller to specify a list of file extension. If this parameter is specified, only file
144  * with this extension can be selected in the applet.<br>
145  * This parameter must contains a list of extensions, in lower case, separated by slashes. eg: jpg/jpeg/gif</td>
146  * </tr>
147  * <tr>
148  * <td>allowHttpPersistent</td>
149  * <td><i>false</i><br>
150  * since 3.0.0rc1<br>
151  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
152  * <td>This parameter allows to switch off persistent HTTP connections which are enabled by default (and the protocol
153  * version allows it). Currently, we encountered problems with persistent connections when testing on a windows box
154  * using a loopback interface only. <BR>
155  * Note: default value changed to false in 4.0 version.</td>
156  * </tr>
157  * <tr>
158  * <td>browsingDirectory</td>
159  * <td><i>null</i><br>
160  * since 4.0.0b2<br>
161  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
162  * <td>This parameter allows to control the starting browsing directory, that is, the directory the is the current one
163  * when the file chooser is open.<BR>
164  * <U>Notes:</U> <DIR>
165  * <UL>
166  * If the directory doesn't exist, or can not be read, a warning is written on the local log window (visible only in
167  * debug mode), and this parameter is ignored.
168  * <UL>
169  * This directory may begin with ~/ or ~\, to have a path set relative to the current user's home.</DIR></td>
170  * </tr>
171  * <tr>
172  * <td>debugLevel</td>
173  * <td>0 <br>
174  * <br>
175  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
176  * <td>With 0, you get the normal production output. The higher the number is, the more information is displayed in the
177  * log window. Here are some hints about debug level values (please note that this is indicative ... including for me,
178  * as I'me writing this during 3.3.2 release: <DIR>
179  * <LI>0: No debug output. Only INFO and ERROR
180  * <LI>10: Structural debug output (entering method, exception info...)
181  * <LI>30: Details about method parameters
182  * <LI>50: Details about internal method variables.
183  * <LI>70: Details about encoding toward the server
184  * <LI>80: Details about server's response
185  * <LI>90: Details about query and server response when sending debug output to urlToSendErrorTo
186  * <LI>100: Maximum output information level. The redirection toward afterUploadURL is blocked
187  * <LI>>100: Additional things for internal debug, like some wait in the code to check what messages the applet
188  * displays, while uploading small files on localhost.</DIR> <br>
189  * Note: All debug messages are stored in a temporary log file. This can be used to display more information, if needed.
190  * See also the <I>urlToSendErrorTo</I> applet parameter.</td>
191  * </tr>
192  * <tr>
193  * <td>fileChooserIconFromFileContent</td>
194  * <td><i>0</i><br>
195  * since 3.1.0b<br>
196  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy}</td>
197  * <td>This parameter allows to control whether the file icons in the file chooser are calculated from the file content.
198  * This is currently only available for pictures.<BR>
199  * If activated, the file chooser will open each pictures, and calculate the icon by resizing the picture. This is done
200  * in by using thread of minimam priority, to minimize performances impact on the navigator. Available values are: <DIR>
201  * <LI>-1: disabled. The default system are used.
202  * <LI>0 (default): available only in picture mode. That is: the current upload policy is an instance of or a class
203  * inheriting from {@link PictureUploadPolicy}
204  * <LI>1: available for all upload policies. </DIR></td>
205  * </tr>
206  * <tr>
207  * <td>fileChooserIconSize</td>
208  * <td><i>20</i><br>
209  * since 3.1.0b<br>
210  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy}</td>
211  * <td>This parameter allows to control the size of icons, in pixels, in the file chooser. Used only when
212  * fileChooserIconFromFileContent is activated.<BR>
213  * Note: The standard icon size is a value of 20. With 50, you'll get a better view of the picture.</td>
214  * </tr>
215  * <tr>
216  * <td>fileChooserImagePreview</td>
217  * <td><i>true</i><br>
218  * since 3.1.0b<br>
219  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}</td>
220  * <td>This parameter allows to control whether an preview is available for picture in the file chooser. If activated,
221  * the file chooser will open the preview in a separate thread, of high priority. This avoid blocking the applet while
222  * calculating the preview picture, when the user just double-clicked a picture file. This parameter is ignored for
223  * DefaultUploadPolicy.
224  * </tr>
225  * <tr>
226  * <tr>
227  * <td>fileFilterName</td>
228  * <td><i>null</i><br>
229  * since 5.0.0</td> Contains the name of the file filter, as it will be displayed in the drop down list of filters, in
230  * the file chooser. If this name is given to the applet, it will be returned by the {@link FileFilter#getDescription()}
231  * method. <BR>
232  * Default value for applet parameter "fileFilterName". This default value let the {@link DefaultUploadPolicy} return a
233  * calculated name, which contains the list of allowed file extensions.<BR>
234  * Note: this parameter is ignored, if there is no file filter, that is, if the allowedFileExtensions applet parameter
235  * is not used.
236  * <td>
237  * </tr>
238  * <tr>
239  * <td>fileListViewMode</td>
240  * <td><i>flat mode</i><br/>
241  * Since 6.0.0 <br/>
242  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
243  * <td>This parameter can take these values:
244  * <UL>
245  * <LI><B>flat</B>: (all files are listed in a standard table)</LI>
246  * <LI><B>tree_view</B>: in this mode (new in 6.0.0), the file hierarchy is displayed as it will be uploaded. The data
247  * structure maps to File System mode. That is: the shown hierarchy is a part of the local file system. The root of the
248  * hierarchy (visible root) is the common root to to all files and folder. It is actually a <B>hierarchical view of the
249  * FLAT view</B>, using the same data structure. Only the display changes.<BR/>
250  * For instance, if /tmp/f1/f2/file.txt and /tmp/f1/f11/file.txt have been added, /tmp/f1 is the common root. So this
251  * mode displays: f2 and f11 as the first visible hierarchy level. f2 contains file.txt, and f11 also contains a
252  * file.txt file.</LI>
253  * <LI><B>independent_tree_view</B>: In independent tree view mode, each added file/folder is added to the root. This
254  * root is the root that will be sent to the server, during the upload.<BR/>
255  * For instance, if /tmp/f1/f2/file.txt and /tmp/f1/f11/file.txt have been both added, then, two file.txt (coming from
256  * different folders, so they are actually different files with the same name) are attached to the hierarchical view.<BR/>
257  * If if /tmp/f1 is added, then: f1 is attached to the root. And the hierarchy will contain: f1, f2 as a subfolder of
258  * f1, file.txt as a file in f2.</LI>
259  * </UL>
260  * </td>
261  * </tr>
262  * <tr>
263  * <td><s>filenameEncoding</s></td>
264  * <td><S><i>null</i></S><br>
265  * <br>
266  * <S>{@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</S></td>
267  * <td>Since 3.3.0, this parameter is no more used. The full applet upload HTTP request to the server is now correctly
268  * encoded.<BR>
269  * <S>With null, the filename in the <i>Content-Disposition</i> header is not encoded. If not null, the applet tries to
270  * encode this filename with the given encoding. It's up to the receiver (the web site) to decode this encoding (see
271  * {@link #getUploadFilename(FileData, int)}. <br>
272  * Example: if the "UTF8" encoding is chosen, the PHP function urldecode can be used to decode the filename. </S></td>
273  * </tr>
274  * <tr>
275  * <tr>
276  * <td>formdata</td>
277  * <td><i>null</i><br>
278  * <br>
279  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}<br>
280  * <i>Since 2.9.2rc4</i></td>
281  * <td>With this parameter, the name of a HTML form can be specified. If the specified form exists in the same document
282  * like the applet, all all form-variables are added as POST parameters to the applet's POST request.<BR>
283  * <B>Note:</B> Whatever value is in the <U>httpUploadParameterType</U> applet parameter, these parameters with the name
284  * of the given input in the form. That is: if you have an input text named 'myText', there will be one myText parameter
285  * in the HTTP upload request, with the text/plain mime type, and whose value is the content of this field, in the form.
286  * </td>
287  * </tr>
288  * <tr>
289  * <td>ftpCreateDirectoryStructure</td>
290  * <td><i>false</i><br>
291  * since 4.2.0<br>
292  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy}</td>
293  * <td>This parameter allows to control whether the directory structure on the client side must be created on the server
294  * side.<BR>
295  * Example: if the user upload the test/ directory, which contains the readme.txt file. With
296  * <I>ftpCreateDirectoryStructure</I> to false (or default value), the readme.txt is uploaded in the postURL directory.
297  * If set to true, the test/ folder is created as a subfolder of the path given in the postURL directory, and the
298  * readme.txt is uploaded in this subfolder.<BR>
299  * Note: in HTTP upload, the pathinfo and relpathinfo allows the server side script to manage this directory structure.</td>
300  * </tr>
301  * <tr>
302  * <td>ftpTransfertBinary</td>
303  * <td><i>true</i><br>
304  * since 4.1.0<br>
305  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy}</td>
306  * <td>This parameter allows to control whether the upload should be done in binary or ascii mode. Default is to upload
307  * in binary mode.</td>
308  * </tr>
309  * <tr>
310  * <td>ftpTransfertPassive</td>
311  * <td><i>true</i><br>
312  * since 4.1.0<br>
313  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy}</td>
314  * <td>This parameter allows to control whether the upload should be done in FTP passive mode, or in active mode (where
315  * the FTP server opens a connection to the client, to do the upload). Default passive mode.</td>
316  * </tr>
317  * <tr>
318  * <td>highQualityPreview</td>
319  * <td>false<br>
320  * <br>
321  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
322  * <td>If this parameter is set to <i>true</i>, the applet will call the BufferedImage.getScaledInstance(), instead of
323  * doing a basic scale transformation. This consume more CPU: on a PII 500MHz, the full screen go from around 5 seconds
324  * to between 12 and 20 seconds, for a picture created by my EOS20D (8,5M pixels). The standard preview (above the file
325  * list) seem to be displayed at the same speed, whatever is the value of this parameter. <br>
326  * Note: when resizing is done before upload, the BufferedImage.getScaledInstance() is always called, so that the
327  * uploaded picture is of the best available quality.</td>
328  * </tr>
329  * <tr>
330  * <td>httpUploadParameterName</td>
331  * <td>File<br>
332  * <br>
333  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}<BR>
334  * since 4.5.0</td>
335  * <td>Contains the parameter name, that will be used to send the file in the HTTP upload request. The default value
336  * (File), associated with the default value for httpUploadParameterType (see below), makes all file be uploaded with
337  * name from File0 to FileN (when there are N+1 file to upload).<BR>
338  * Put another value, of your server part script need a particular parameter name to work properly.<BR>
339  * Note: valid characters for this parameter are: first letter (letter or number), next letters (letter, number or
340  * underscore)</td>
341  * </tr>
342  * <tr>
343  * <td>httpUploadParameterType</td>
344  * <td>iteration<br>
345  * <br>
346  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}<BR>
347  * since 4.5.0</td>
348  * <td>Allowed values are: <DIR>
349  * <LI><B>iteration</B>: Used to have the attribute property that actually contains the file be named File0 to FileN (if
350  * you have N+1 uploaded files). This is the default behavior. In this case, your server script should look for POST
351  * properties, named 'File0' to 'FileN'</LI>
352  * <LI><B>array</B>: Used if your server script want to receive one array, that will contain all uploaded files.</LI>
353  * <LI><B>oneFile</B>: Indicates that, in the HTTP upload request, there will be only one file. This value is only valid
354  * when nbFilesPerRequest is 1. The parameters in the HTTP upload request are let untransformed. For instance, if
355  * httpUploadParameterName is the default value (File), the file content will be loaded under the HTTP parameter 'File'
356  * (not File0 or File[]).</LI></DIR><BR>
357  * <B>Note:</B> All parameters common to all pictures are sent directly. For instance, if toto is given on the URL, the
358  * toto parameter is sent as is (no toto0 for iteration or toto[] for array). Also, if you use the <U>formdata</U>
359  * applet parameter, these parameters are sent as is (no 0 or [] added to the parameter name).</td>
360  * </tr>
361  * <tr>
362  * <td>keepOriginalFileExtensionForConvertedImages</td>
363  * <td><i>false</i></td>
364  * <td>is only relevant, if targetPictureFormat is specified.<br />
365  * <ul>
366  * <li>false (default): <br />
367  * If you upload the file 'test.png' and it is converted to 'jpg', the fileextension will be changed, so that the server
368  * will receive this filename: 'test.jpg'</li>
369  * <li>true: <br />
370  * If you upload the file 'test.png' and it is converted to 'jpg', the fileextension will NOT be changed, so that the
371  * server will receive the original filename: 'test.png'</li>
372  * </ul>
373  * </td>
374  * </tr>
375  * <tr>
376  * <td>lang</td>
377  * <td>Navigator language <br>
378  * <br>
379  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
380  * <td>Should be something like <i>en</i>, <i>fr</i>... Currently only French and English are known from the applet. If
381  * anyone want to add another language ... Please translate the wjhk.jupload2.lang.lang_en, and send it back to
382  * <">.</td>
383  * </tr>
384  * <tr>
385  * <td>lookAndFeel <br>
386  * since 2.5</td>
387  * <td><i>empty</i><br>
388  * <br>
389  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
390  * <td>This allows to control the look &amp; feel of the applet. The authorized values are:
391  * <ul>
392  * <li><i>empty</i>: uses the default look &amp; feel. This is the same as java.
393  * <li>java: uses the java default look &amp; feel. Same as <i>empty</i>.
394  * <li>system: uses the current system look and feel. The call will be : <br>
395  * UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
396  * <li>Any valid String argument for UIManager.setLookAndFeel(String).
397  * </ul>
398  * </td>
399  * </tr>
400  * <tr>
401  * <td>maxChunkSize<br>
402  * Since 2.7.1</td>
403  * <td>0<br>
404  * <i>Long.MAX_VALUE</i><br>
405  * <br>
406  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
407  * <td>This parameters defines the maximum size of an upload.
408  * <ul>
409  * <li>If not set, or set to a value of 0 or less, the chunk mode is disabled. That is: each file will be uploaded
410  * within being split in pieces.
411  * <li>If set to a value of 1 or more, the upload size will be never be more than maxChunkSize. A file bigger will be
412  * split in several part of <i>maxChunkSize</i> size, then the last part will contain the remaining, and will probably
413  * be smaller than <i>maxChunkSize</i>.
414  * </ul>
415  * <br>
416  * <b>How to build the server part:</b> the server will have to 'guess' that the file is split, and then it will have to
417  * reconstruct the uploaded file. Here are the necessary informations:
418  * <ul>
419  * <li>When a file is chunked, the <i>jupart</i> and <i>jufinal</i> parameter are given in the URL (get parameters).
420  * This identify a chunk upload. If these parameters are not given, the file(s) is(are) uploaded in one piece.
421  * <li><i>jupart</i> identify the part number: from 1 to N for a file being split in N pieces. The N-1 chunks should be
422  * <i>maxChunkSize</i> bytes long. The last one contains the remaining of the file.
423  * <li><i>jufinal</i> is set to 0 for chunks from 1 to N-1. It is is set to 1 only for the last chunk (N, in this
424  * 'example').
425  * <li>The uploaded filename is not modified when the upload is chunked. Example: upload of the file
426  * <i>bigPicture.jpeg</i>, of 4,5 Mb, with chunk of 2Mb. The upload is split in three chunk. Chunk 1 and 2 are 2Mb long.
427  * The third one is 0,5Mb long. The uploaded filename for these three uploads is <i>bigPicture.jpeg</i>. It's up to the
428  * server part to read the <i>jupart</i> and <i>jufinal</i> get parameters, to understand that the upload is chunked.
429  * <li><b>Important:</b> The server script <u>must</u> check the resulting filesize. If not, the client can send a file
430  * of any size, and fill the server hard drive.
431  * <li>The is a java example of a server page that can receive chunk upload. It
432  * stores each chunk is <i>filename.partN</i> (where N is the chunk number), then construct the final file, by
433  * concatenating all parts together.
434  * </ul>
435  * <b>Note: </b> If nbFilesPerRequest is different than 1, the applet will try to upload the files until the sum of
436  * their content length is less than maxChunkSize. The upload is triggered just before the sum of their content length
437  * is bigger then maxChunkSize.<br>
438  * If one file is bigger than <i>maxChunkSize</i>, all previous files are uploaded (at once or not, depending on
439  * nbFilesPerRequest). Then the 'big' file is uploaded alone, split in chunk. Then upload goes on, file by file or not,
440  * depending on <i>nbFilesPerRequest</i>.</td>
441  * </tr>
442  * <tr>
443  * <td>maxFileSize<br>
444  * Since 2.7.1</td>
445  * <td>0<br>
446  * <i>Long.MAX_VALUE</i><br>
447  * <br>
448  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
449  * <td>This parameter identify the maximum size that an uploaded file may have. It prevent the user to upload too big
450  * files. It is especially important when chunk upload is activated (see below <i>maxChunkSize</i>).
451  * <ul>
452  * <li>If <i>maxChunkSize</i> is not set, negative or 0, <i>maxFileSize</i> should be the maximum upload size of the
453  * server. In this case, it is useful only to display a message when the user select a file that will be refused by the
454  * server.
455  * <li>If chunk upload is activated, this parameter becomes really important: in this case the maximum file size of an
456  * uploaded file is ... the available space on the server hard drive! (see below, <i>maxChunkSize</i>).
457  * </ul>
458  * </td>
459  * </tr>
460  * <tr>
461  * <td>maxPicHeight</td>
462  * <td>Since 3.3.0: Integer.MAX_VALUE<BR>
463  * (was -1)<br>
464  * <br>
465  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}</td>
466  * <td>This parameters allows the HTML page to control the maximum height for pictures. If a picture is to be download,
467  * and its height is bigger, the picture will be resized. The proportion between width and height of the resized picture
468  * are the same as those of the original picture. If both maxPicHeight and maxPicWidth are given, it can happen that the
469  * resized picture has a height lesser than maxPicHeight, so that width is no more than maxPicWidth. <br>
470  * <b>Precisions:</b> <br>
471  * If this parameter value is negative or 0, then no control is done on the picture height. <br>
472  * If the original picture is smaller than the maximum size, the picture is not enlarged. <br>
473  * If the picture is resized, its other characteristics are kept (number of colors, ColorModel...). The picture format
474  * is kept, if targetPictureFormat is empty. If the picture format is a destructive (like jpeg), the maximum available
475  * quality is chosen. <br>
476  * <i>See also maxPicWidth, realMaxPicHeight</i></td>
477  * </tr>
478  * <tr>
479  * <td>maxPicWidth</td>
480  * <td>Since 3.3.0: Integer.MAX_VALUE<BR>
481  * (was -1)<br>
482  * <br>
483  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}</td>
484  * <td>Same as maxPicHeight, but for the maximum width of the uploaded picture. <br>
485  * <i>See also maxPicHeight, realMaxPicWidth</i></td>
486  * </tr>
487  * <tr>
488  * <td>nbFilesPerRequest</td>
489  * <td>1 since 4.3.0 <BR>
490  * (was -1) <br>
491  * <br>
492  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
493  * <td>This allows the control of the maximal number of files that are uploaded in one HTTP upload to the server. <br>
494  * If set to less than 1 (0 or negative), there is no maximum. This means that all files are uploaded in the same HTTP
495  * request. <br>
496  * If set to 5, for instance, and there are 6 files to upload, there will be two HTTP upload request to the server : 5
497  * files in the first one, and that last file in a second HTTP request.</td>
498  * </tr>
499  * <tr>
500  * <td>pictureCompressionQuality</td>
501  * <td><i>0.8</i><br>
502  * since 3.1.0<br>
503  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}</td>
504  * <td>This parameter controls the picture compression quality, when writing the picture file. 1 means high quality
505  * picture, but big files. 0 means poor quality pictures, but small files. 0.8 is a good compromise for the web.<br>
506  * It is different from the highQualityPreview, which controls the way picture are resized in memory.<br>
507  * This parameter is currently applied only to jpg (and jpeg) pictures.</td>
508  * </tr>
509  * <tr>
510  * <td>pictureTransmitMetadata</td>
511  * <td><i>false since 3.3.0<br>
512  * (was true before)</i><br>
513  * since 3.2.0<br>
514  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}</td>
515  * <td>This parameter controls whether the applet transmit metadata of the original picture. This may prevent personal
516  * information to be thrown on the net.<br>
517  * Note 1: This parameter is especially important for picture coming from the Canon EOS 20D, 30D and 40D: pictures
518  * shooted in portrait mode contain metadata that are incompatible with Java 1.6.0_3! The colors of transformed pictures
519  * become strange... <B>Since 3.3.0: default to false</B>, to avoid this annonying (and currently not explained)
520  * problem.<br>
521  * Note 2: <Caution> As of 3.2.0, this parameter blocks metadata only for pictures that are updated by the applet.
522  * Metadata from picture transmitted 'as is' are not removed. This is corrected in 3.3.0.</td>
523  * </tr>
524  * <tr>
525  * <td>postURL</td>
526  * <td>null since 1.9.2rc4, (was <i>Mandatory</i> before)<br>
527  * <br>
528  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
529  * <td>This parameter specifies the target URL toward which the files should be uploaded. Since version 1.9.2rc4 this
530  * parameter is not mandatory anymore. Instead, if omitted or a <i>relative</i> URL is given, the resulting URL is
531  * constructed from the applet's DocumentBaseURL. This means, that if the applet tag is dynamically constructed from a
532  * PHP script without specifying <code>postURL</code>, the <i>same</i> same script receives the subsequent POST
533  * request(s). If this URL may change during the applet execution time, you can call the setProperty applet method from
534  * javascript, or create a new UploadPolicy class and either :
535  * <ul>
536  * <li>Override the {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#getPostURL()} method, to make the postURL totaly dynamic.
537  * <li>Override the {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#setPostURL(String)} method, to modify the postURL on the
538  * fly, when it is changed.
539  * <li>Override the {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicy#setProperty(String, String)} method. The
540  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy} changes the postURL when the albumID property changes.
541  * <li>Find another solution ...
542  * </ul>
543  * <u>Note 1:</u> in HTTP, the upload is done in the same user session, as the applet uses the cookies from the
544  * navigator. This allows right management during upload, on the server side.<br>
545  * <u>Note 2:</u> in FTP, you can't use path that contain spaces. Filename may contain spaces. <u>Note 5:</u> in HTTP,
546  * the applet use the current Java parameter to connect to the host. By default, this configuration is to use the
547  * navigator configuration. So, if a proxy is configured in the navigator network configuration, the applet should use
548  * it automatically.<br>
549  * <u>Note 3:</u> FTP URL should looks like:<br>
550  * <u>Note 4:</u> in FTP, you'll have to add the jakarta-commons-oro.jar and jakarta-commons-net.jar jar files in the
551  * applet ARCHIVE tag attribute. See the 'advanced_js_demo.html page for a sample. You'll have to put the two files
552  * coming from the JUpload distribution in the same directory as the wjhk.jupload.jar. <br>
553  * <u>Note 5:</u> in FTP, you can use the user default folder by putting no folder. The URL can be: ftp://user:mdp@host</td>
554  * <u>Note 6 (security):</u> take care that the full URL is visible, if the user take a look at the page source. So, you
555  * should take care when putting login and password there. </td>
556  * </tr>
557  * <tr>
558  * <td>readCookieFromNavigator</td>
559  * <td>Since 4.3.0: Boolean<BR>
560  * (true)<br>
561  * <br>
562  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}<br>
563  * <i>Since v2.8.1</i></td>
564  * <td>If true (default), the applet read cookies from the navigator, with the javascript document.cookie value. If
565  * false, the caller should put the relevant 'Cookie' header in the specificHeaders applet parameter. This allows to
566  * override any javascript cookie access restriction.</td>
567  * </tr>
568  * <td>readUserAgentFromNavigator</td>
569  * <td>Since 4.6.1rc2: Boolean<BR>
570  * (true)<br>
571  * <br>
572  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}<br>
573  * </td>
574  * <td>If true (default), the applet read the userAgent from the navigator, with the javascript document.userAgent
575  * value. If false, the caller can put the relevant userAgent header in the specificHeaders applet parameter.</td> </tr>
576  * <tr>
577  * <td>realMaxPicHeight</td>
578  * <td>Since 3.3.0: Integer.MAX_VALUE<BR>
579  * (was -1)<br>
580  * <br>
581  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}<br>
582  * <i>Since v2.8.1</i></td>
583  * <td>This parameters is about the same as maxPicHeight. It overrides it for pictures that must be transformed
584  * (currentlty only when the picture is rotated). <br>
585  * The aim of this parameter, is to prevent the applet to resize picture, and let the server do it: it will be much
586  * quicker. <br>
587  * This allows you to:
588  * <ul>
589  * <li>Put a 'big' <i>maxPicHeight</i> (or don't provide the parameter in the APPLET tag), and let the server resize the
590  * picture according to the real maxPicHeight. The <i>maxPicHeight</i> will be used when the picture is not tranformed
591  * by the user.
592  * <li>Put this realMaxHeight to the real configured maxPicHeight. The applet will then directly produce the final file,
593  * when it has to tranform the picture (picture rotation, for instance).
594  * </ul>
595  * <br>
596  * <i>See also maxPicHeight, realMaxPicWidth, maxChunkSize (to override any server upload size limitation).</i></td>
597  * </tr>
598  * <tr>
599  * <td>realMaxPicWidth</td>
600  * <td>Since 3.3.0: Integer.MAX_VALUE<BR>
601  * (was -1)<br>
602  * <br>
603  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}<br>
604  * <i>Since v2.8.1</i></td>
605  * <td>Same as realMaxPicHeight, but for the maximum width of uploaded picture that must be transformed. <br>
606  * <i>See also maxPicWidth, realMaxPicHeight</i></td>
607  * </tr>
608  * <tr>
609  * <td>retryMaxNumberOf</td>
610  * <td>1<BR>
611  * <i>Since 5.0.0</i></td>
612  * <td>Maximum number of retries, that the applet will do, for upload resumable error. A 'upload resumable error', is
613  * typically a network error. The default value is 0, to maintain the same behaviour as before.<BR>
614  * This maximum of allowed retries is for each packet, that is: if one packet fails two times, and succeed in the third
615  * attempt, the next packet will still have up to retryMaxNumberOf retries. For instance, the default value (1), means
616  * that the applet will do a one new attempt after a first upload error, for each packet.</td>
617  * </tr>
618  * <tr>
619  * <td>retryNbSecondsBetween</td>
620  * <td>30<BR>
621  * <i>Since 5.0.0</i></td>
622  * <td>The number of seconds, to wait, before trying a new upload of a packet whose upload was in error. This is used if
623  * <I>retryMaxNumberOf</I> is 1 or more, and if 'resumable upload error' occurs.</td>
624  * </tr>
625  * <tr>
626  * <td>serverProtocol</td>
627  * <td>null since 2.9.2rc4<br>
628  * (before: "HTTP/1.1")<br>
629  * <br>
630  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
631  * <td>This parameter allows the control of the protocol toward the server. It can be HTTP/0.9 (not tested), HTTP/1.0,
632  * HTTP/1.1 and FTP. HTTP supports https. Since version 2.9.2rc4, the default is <i>null</i>, introducing a new facility
633  * of automatically adjusting the protocol according to the server response.<br>
634  * This parameter is really useful only in {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy}, as the coppermine
635  * application also controls that the requests send within an HTTP session uses the same HTTP protocol (as a protection
636  * to limit the 'steal' of session cookies).</td>
637  * </tr>
638  * <tr>
639  * <td>sendMD5Sum</td>
640  * <td>false<BR>
641  * since 5.0.0<br>
642  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
643  * <td>This parameter indicates whether the applet will send the MD5Sum for uploaded files, or not. If set to true, the
644  * MD5Sum is sent in the <I>md5sum</I> HTTP POST argument.</td>
645  * </tr>
646  * <tr>
647  * <td>showLogWindow<br>
648  * Since 3.0.2<br>
649  * Changed in 3.5.0</td>
650  * <td>true<br>
651  * <br>
652  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
653  * <td>This parameter was formerly known as <i>showStatusBar</i> which now has a different purpose. <BR>
654  * <U>Since 3.5.0:</U> Available values are (case sensitive):<DIR>
655  * <LI>true: always visible.
656  * <LI>false: always hiden.
657  * <LI>onError: the log window is hidden. It will be displayed when an error occurs. If you put 99 into the debugLevel,
658  * then the full debugOutput become visible if and only if an error occurs</DIR> <BR>
659  * <U>Until 3.4.2</U>, it works this way: If given with the <i>False</i> value, the log window will be hidden. The
660  * applet will still store all debug information in it. But the user won't see it any more. If a problem occurs, the
661  * <i>urlToSendErrorTo</i> can still be used to log all available information.</td>
662  * </tr>
663  * <tr>
664  * <td>showStatusBar</td>
665  * <td>True<br>
666  * <br>
667  * New meaning since 3.0.2<br>
668  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
669  * <td>This parameter controls if the status bar is shown in the applet. If shown, the stausbar provides information
670  * about the current transfer speed and estimated time of completion. Before version 3.0.2, this parameter was used to
671  * control visibility of the log window. This is now controlled by <i>showLogWindow</i>.</td>
672  * </tr>
673  * <tr>
674  * <td>specificHeaders</td>
675  * <td><I>null</I><br>
676  * <br>
677  * Since 3.0.2<br>
678  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
679  * <td>Allows the caller to add any header(s) to the applet. These headers will be sent with each HTTP request to the
680  * server. If you put several lines in this parameter, these parameter should be separated by the "&#92;n" string (not
681  * the LineFeed character, but the antislash character followed by the n character, like msg="&#92;&#92;n";). No
682  * "&#92;n" at the end: it will be added by the applet. In PHP, put '&#92;n', and not "&#92;n" (See PHP doc, on strings)
683  * <BR>
684  * This allows an easy management of <B>Basic HTTP authentication</B>. Just add a header like this one:<BR>
685  * Authorization: Basic Base64EncodedString Where Base64EncodedString is the string "login:passord" encoded in Base 64.</td>
686  * </tr>
687  * <tr>
688  * <td>sslVerifyCert<br>
689  * Since 3.0.2b1</td>
690  * <td>none<br>
691  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
692  * <td>With this parameter, the handling of certificates when using SSL can be configured. There are 4 possible
693  * settings:<br>
694  * <ul>
695  * <li><i>none</i> (default): Any server cert is accepted, no cert-based client authentication is performed.</li>
696  * <li><i>server</i>: The server cert is verified against the local truststore and if that fails, a dialog pops up which
697  * asks the user if the certificate shall be accepted permanently, just for the current session or not at all (Just like
698  * any browser would do).</li>
699  * <li><i>client</i>: A user-certificate (which must be available in the local keystore) is used to perform client
700  * authentication.</li>
701  * <li><i>strict</i>: The combination of <i>client</i> and <i>server</i>.</li>
702  * </ul>
703  * <p>
704  * The location of the local truststore and keystore uses the normal JRE conventions. This means, that the system
705  * truststore is used for verifying server certs (usually in $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts) unless either the system
706  * property <i></i> specifies another location or a file <b>.truststore</b> exists in the user's
707  * home directory. If the user decides to permanently accept an untrusted certificate, the file <b>.truststore</b> in
708  * the user's home directory is written. The default keystore (for client certificates) is the file <b>.keystore</b> in
709  * the user's home directory. This can be overridden by setting the system property <i></i>. If
710  * the name of the keystore ends in <b>.p12</b>, it is assumed that the keystore is in <b>PKCS12</b> format, otherwise
711  * the default format as specified in the JRE security-configuration is used.
712  * <p>
713  * <b>Important Note about client authentication:</b>
714  * <p>
715  * At the time of this writing, a <i>serious</i> bug exists in apache 2.0.x which prevents POST requests when SSL
716  * renegotiation is about to happen. Renegotiation is triggered by a location-based (or directory-based) change of the
717  * SSLVerifyClient directive in apache. Therefore you <b>can not</b> protect a sub-area of an otherwise unprotected SSL
718  * server. You can circumvent that by setting up a virtualhost which is configured to perform SSL client verification
719  * <b>for the complete virtualhost</b>. Attached to the bug report at <a
720  * href="">ASF Bugzilla</a>, there are several patches which
721  * claim to fix the problem. However in that same report, other users complain about those patches to be ineffective.
722  * Therefore, the author recommends avoiding re-negotiation alltogether by using the virtualhost aproach described
723  * above. It is the understanding of the author, that this bug has been fixed for apache 2.2, however the author did not
724  * verify that. Test-Reports from users running apache 2.2 are welcome.</td>
725  * </tr>
726  * <tr>
727  * <td>storeBufferedImage</td>
728  * <td>false <br>
729  * <I>Deprecated</I> <br>
730  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}</td>
731  * <td>This parameter indicates that the preview image on the applet is kept in memory. It works really nice under
732  * eclise. But, once in the navigator, the applet runs very quickly out of memory. So I add a lot of calls to
733  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.filedata.PictureFileData#freeMemory(String, UploadPolicy)} , but it doesn't change anything. Be
734  * careful to this parameter, and let it to the default value, unless you've well tested it under all your target client
735  * configurations. <BR>
736  * <I>This parameter will probably never be correctly implemented.</I></td>
737  * </tr>
738  * <tr>
739  * <td>stringUploadError</td>
740  * <td>Since 3.2.0: "^ERROR: (.*)$" for all upload policies<br>
741  * Empty string ("") [if using DefaultUploadPolicy]<br>
742  * "ERROR: (.*)" [if using CopperminUploadPolicy]<br>
743  * <br>
744  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}<br>
745  * Since 2.9.2rc4</td>
746  * <td>This string is a regular expression. It allows the applet to test that the server has detected an error in the
747  * upload. If this parameter is given to the applet, the upload thread will try to match this regular expression against
748  * each line of the server response <b>body</b>. If a group is found, it is considered as the error message, and will be
749  * displayed to the user.<br>
750  * If the match is successfull once, the upload is considered to have failed. and
751  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed} is thrown. If the expression contains a hunt-group, the
752  * matching contents of that group is reported to the user. For example: If let the default value "^ERROR: (.*)$" here,
753  * the applet will find an error if at least one line returned in the server response begins with "ERROR: ". Then, all
754  * characters that follow are extracted as the error message. So, if the server response contains the line
755  * "ERROR: md5sum check failed", the string "md5sum check failed" is used for the exception message. But if it returns a
756  * line "maybe ERROR: is it an error?", then the applet won't find any error in the server response. <BR>
757  * <B>Note:</B> you can put line breaks in the error message. The message must be in one line in the HTTP response. To
758  * display a line break to the user, just put the two characters \n in the http response (would be a "\\n" in java or
759  * PHP).</td>
760  * </tr>
761  * <tr>
762  * <td>stringUploadSuccess</td>
763  * <td>"^SUCCESS$"<br>
764  * empty string ("") since 2.9.0<br>
765  * (was ".* 200 OK$" before) <br>
766  * <br>
767  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
768  * <td>This string is a regular expression. It allows the applet to test that the server has accepted the upload. If
769  * this parameter is given to the applet, the upload thread will try to match this regular expression against each lines
770  * returned from the server.<br>
771  * If the match is successfull once, the upload is considered to be a success. If not, a
772  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.exception.JUploadExceptionUploadFailed} is thrown. <br>
773  * The default test expression testes that the web server returns no HTTP error: 200 is the return code for a
774  * successfull HTTP request. It actually means that postURL is a valid URL, and that the applet was able to send a
775  * request to this URL: there should be no problem with the network configuration, like proxy, password proxy...). <br>
776  * <b>But</b> it doesn't mean that the uploaded files have correctly be managed by the server. For instance, the URL can
777  * be, which, of course, would not take your files into account. <br>
778  * So, as soon as you know a regular expression that test the return from the target application (and not just a
779  * techical HTTP response code), change the stringUploadSuccess to this value. For instance, the default value will be
780  * matched if the HTTP body content of the server response contains one line that is exactly 'SUCCESS', without any
781  * other character. This 'success' means that the pictures have correctly uploaded to the server, and that he
782  * successfully managed the uploaded files.</td>
783  * </tr>
784  * <tr>
785  * <td>stringUploadWarning</td>
786  * <td>"^WARNING: (.*)$" <br>
787  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}<br>
788  * Since 3.4.2</td>
789  * <td>This string is a regular expression. It allows the applet to test that the server has detected a warning was
790  * generated by the server. This warning is just a warning, that will be displayed to the user, as is. There may be
791  * several warnings in the server return. If one or more warning is/are received, the message(s) will be displayed to
792  * the user.<BR>
793  * If the expression contains a hunt-group, the matching contents of that group is reported to the user. For example: If
794  * you let the default value "^WARNING: (.*)$" here, the applet will find an error if at least one line returned in the
795  * server response begins with "WARNING: ". Then, all characters that follow are extracted as the error message. So, if
796  * the server response contains the line "WARNING: Bad encoding", the string "Bad encoding" is displayed as warning
797  * message to the user. But if it returns a line "maybe WARNING: is it an error?", then the applet won't find any
798  * warning in the server response.<BR>
799  * <B>Notes:</B> <DIR>
800  * <LI>There is no link between these warning and the fact the upload is considered to be a success or not. Upload
801  * success is only based on the success and error string. See the <B>stringUploadSuccess</B> and
802  * <B>stringUploadError</B> applet parameters, here above.
803  * <LI>You can put line breaks in the error message. The message must be in one line in the HTTP response. To display a
804  * line break to the user, just put the two characters \n in the http response (would be a "\\n" in java or PHP). </DIR>
805  * </td>
806  * </tr>
807  * <tr>
808  * <td>targetPictureFormat</td>
809  * <td><i>Empty String</i><br />
810  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}</td>
811  * <td>This parameter can contain a list to convert image formats
812  * <p>
813  * Example 1:{@code "png,bmp:jpg;gif:png;"}
814  * <ul>
815  * <li>both png and bmp files will be converted to jpg,</li>
816  * <li>gif files will be converted to png</li>
817  * </ul>
818  * Example 2:{@code "jpeg,jpg:png;"}
819  * <ul>
820  * <li>both jpeg and jpg files will be converted to png,</li>
821  * </ul>
822  * </p>
823  * the value is expected to be a semi-colon separated list of relations from source-format(s) to a target format.<br />
824  * format: <code>{SOURCEFORMAT{,SOURCEFORMAT*}:TARGETFORMAT;}*</code>
825  * <ul>
826  * <li>formats can contain any picture writer known by the JVM. For instance: jpeg, png, gif. All standard formats
827  * should be available. More information can be found on the <a
828  * href="" ></a> web site.
829  * <li>SOURCEFORMAT: the source format that should be converted to the TARGETFORMAT<br />
830  * e.g. png, jpg, jpeg, ..</li>
831  * <li>TARGETFORMAT: the target format that all given SOURCEFORMAT should be converted to <br />
832  * e.g. png, jpg, jpeg, ..</li>
833  * <li>all format strings are case insensitive, so all following strings are the same:
834  * <ul>
835  * <li><code>"jpeg,jpg:png;"</code></li>
836  * <li><code>"JPEG,JPG:PNG;"</code></li>
837  * <li><code>"jPeG,JpG:pNg;"</code></li>
838  * </ul>
839  * </li>
840  * </ul>
841  * notes:
842  * <ul>
843  * <li>animated gifs will not be converted</li>
844  * <li>jpg and jpeg are distinct types.</li>
845  * <li>gifs can only be converted if the user has installed JRE >= 1.6</li>
846  * <li>the trailing semi-colon is optional</li>
847  * <li>when a file needs to be transformed, the content type will reflect the new picture format. the file extension
848  * will be changed dependant on the parameter <code>keepOriginalFileExtensionForConvertedImages</code>
849  * <ul>
850  * <li>example1:
851  * <ul>
852  * <li><code>targetPictureFormat="bmp:png;"</code></li>
853  * <li><code>keepOriginalFileExtensionForConvertedImages=false</code> (default)</li>
854  * </ul>
855  * When you upload: <code>C:\myBitmap.bmp</code>, the filename will be changed to <code>C:\myBitmap.png</code> and
856  * transferred to the server, and the content-type will be changed to "image/png"</li>
857  * <li>
858  * <li>example2:
859  * <ul>
860  * <li><code>targetPictureFormat="bmp:png;"</code></li>
861  * <li><code>keepOriginalFileExtensionForConvertedImages=true</code></li>
862  * </ul>
863  * When you upload: <code>C:\myBitmap.bmp</code>, the filename will NOT be changed and transferred to the server, but
864  * the content-type will be changed to "image/png"</li>
865  * </ul>
866  * </li>
867  * </ul>
868  * see {@link wjhk.jupload2.filedata.helper.ImageFileConversionInfo}<br />
869  * see keepOriginalFileExtensionForConvertedImages</td>
870  * </tr>
871  * <tr>
872  * <td><b>uploadPolicy</b></td>
873  * <td>DefaultUploadPolicy <br>
874  * <br>
875  * see {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicyFactory}</td>
876  * <td>This parameter contains the class name for the UploadPolicy that should be used. If it is not set, or if its
877  * value is unknown from {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.UploadPolicyFactory#getUploadPolicy(JUploadContext)} , the
878  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy} is used.</td>
879  * </tr>
880  * <tr>
881  * <td>urlToSendErrorTo</td>
882  * <td><i>null</i> <br>
883  * <br>
884  * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}</td>
885  * <td>If this url is given, and an upload error occurs, the applet posts all debug output to this address. It's up to
886  * this URL to handle this message. It is possible to just store the file, or to log the error in a database, or to send
887  * a mail (like the mail.php script given with the coppermine pack). <br>
888  * <u>Notes:</u> <DIR>
889  * <LI>Only http and https URL schemes are supported.</LI>
890  * <LI>The error information is sent in a POST request sent to the given URL. These post parameters are used:
891  * description (a quick description of the error), javaError (the java output for the error, or null if no java error
892  * were caught) and debugOutput (the full debug generated by the applet).</LI> </DIR></td>
893  * </tr>
894  * </table>
895  * <h3><a name="example">HTML call example</a></h3>
896  * <p>
897  * Below, an example of how to put the applet into a PHP page is shown:
898  * </p>
899  * <code><pre>
900  *                                     &lt;applet name=&quot;JUpload&quot; code=&quot;wjhk.jupload2.JUploadApplet&quot;
901  *                                       archive=&quot;plugins/jupload/wjhk.jupload.jar&quot;
902  *                                       &lt;!-- Applet display size, on the navigator page --&gt;
903  *                                       width=&quot;500&quot; height=&quot;700&quot;
904  *                                       &lt;!-- The applet uses some javascript functions, so we must allow that : --&gt;
905  *                                       mayscript="true"&gt;
906  *                                       &lt;!-- No parameter is mandatory. We don't precise the UploadPolicy, so
907  *                                            DefaultUploadPolicy is used. The applet behaves like the original
908  *                                            JUpload. (jupload v1) --&gt;
909  *                                       &lt;param name=&quot;postURL&quot; value=&quot;;&gt;
910  *                                       Java 1.5 or higher plugin required.
911  *                                     &lt;/applet&gt;
912  * </pre></code> <BR>
913  * <!-- ANT_COPYDOC_END --> <!-- ATTENTION: The previous comment is used by Ant build. DO NOT CHANGE!! -->
914  * 
915  * @author etienne_sf
916  * @version $Revision: 1719 $
917  * @see wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy
918  */
920 public interface UploadPolicy {
922     /*
923      * Available parameters for the applet. New parameters (for instance for new policies) should all be added here, in
924      * alphabetic order. This ensures that all tags are unique
925      */
927     /***************************************************************************
928      * ************************************************************************ ************************* LIST OF
929      * PROPERTIES ************************** ************************************************************************
930      **************************************************************************/
931     /**
932      * Parameter/Property name for URL to be loaded after an successful upload.
933      */
934     public final static String PROP_AFTER_UPLOAD_URL = "afterUploadURL";
936     /**
937      * Parameter/Property name for allowing persistent HTTP connections.
938      */
939     public final static String PROP_ALLOW_HTTP_PERSISTENT = "allowHttpPersistent";
941     /**
942      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the allowed file extensions
943      */
944     public final static String PROP_ALLOWED_FILE_EXTENSIONS = "allowedFileExtensions";
946     /**
947      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the album id
948      */
949     public final static String PROP_ALBUM_ID = "albumId";
951     /**
952      * Indicates the directory, from which the applet should open the browsing window (file chooser) first.
953      */
954     public final static String PROP_BROWSING_DIRECTORY = "browsingDirectory";
956     /**
957      * Parameter/Property name for specifying if images should be cached in memory. Be careful: if set to true, you'll
958      * probably have memory problems while in a navigator.
959      */
960     public final static String PROP_STORE_BUFFERED_IMAGE = "storeBufferedImage";
962     /**
963      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the debug level
964      */
965     public final static String PROP_DEBUG_LEVEL = "debugLevel";
967     /**
968      * This parameter allows to control whether the file icons in the file chooser are calculated from the file content.
969      * This is currently only available for pictures.<BR>
970      * If activated, the file chooser will open each pictures, and calculate the icon by resizing the picture. This is
971      * done in by using thread of minimam priority, to minimize performances impact on the navigator. Available values
972      * are: <DIR> <LI>-1: disabled. The default system are used. <LI>0 (default): available only in picture mode. That
973      * is: the current upload policy is an instance of or a class inheriting from {@link PictureUploadPolicy} <LI>1:
974      * available for all upload policies. </DIR>
975      */
976     public final static String PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_FROM_FILE_CONTENT = "fileChooserIconFromFileContent";
978     /**
979      * This parameter allows to control the size of icons, in pixels, in the file chooser. Used only when
980      * fileChooserIconFromFileContent is activated.
981      */
982     public final static String PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE = "fileChooserIconSize";
984     /**
985      * Allows control on the preview on the file chooser. Only for {@link PictureUploadPolicy} and its inheritants.
986      */
987     public final static String PROP_FILE_CHOOSER_IMAGE_PREVIEW = "fileChooserImagePreview";
989     /**
990      * Contains the name of the file filter, as it will be displayed in the drop down list of filters, in the file
991      * chooser. If this name is given to the applet, it will be returned by the {@link FileFilter#getDescription()}
992      * method.
993      */
994     public final static String PROP_FILE_FILTER_NAME = "fileFilterName";
996     /** Parameter/Property name for specifying the way the file list is displayed. */
997     public final static String PROP_FILE_LIST_VIEW_MODE = "fileListViewMode";
999     /** Parameter/Property name for specifying the encoding of file names. */
1000     public final static String PROP_FILENAME_ENCODING = "filenameEncoding";
1002     /**
1003      * Parameter/Property name for specifying additional form data.
1004      */
1005     public final static String PROP_FORMDATA = "formdata";
1007     /**
1008      * Parameter/Property name to specify, when in FTP mode, if subfolders must be created, or if all files must be
1009      * uploaded on the root of postURL.
1010      */
1011     public final static String PROP_FTP_CREATE_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE = "ftpCreateDirectoryStructure";
1013     /** FTP: binary or ascii mode */
1014     public final static String PROP_FTP_TRANSFERT_BINARY = "ftpTransfertBinary";
1016     /** FTP: passive or active mode */
1017     public final static String PROP_FTP_TRANSFERT_PASSIVE = "ftpTransfertPassive";
1019     /**
1020      * Parameter/Property name for specifying high quality previews.
1021      */
1022     public final static String PROP_HIGH_QUALITY_PREVIEW = "highQualityPreview";
1024     /**
1025      * Parameter/Property name for specifying high quality previews.
1026      */
1027     public final static String PROP_HTTP_UPLOAD_PARAMETER_NAME = "httpUploadParameterName";
1029     /**
1030      * Parameter/Property name for specifying high quality previews.
1031      */
1032     public final static String PROP_HTTP_UPLOAD_PARAMETER_TYPE = "httpUploadParameterType";
1034     /**
1035      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the UI language
1036      */
1037     public final static String PROP_LANG = "lang";
1039     /**
1040      * Parameter/Property name for specifying a list of specific headers, that will be added to all HTTP request to the
1041      * server. The parameter can be used for Basic Authentication, by adding this header: Authorization: Basic [Bae64
1042      * encoding of the string "user:password"]
1043      */
1044     public final static String PROP_SPECIFIC_HEADERS = "specificHeaders";
1046     /**
1047      * Parameter/Property name for specifying a PLAF class to load.
1048      */
1049     public final static String PROP_LOOK_AND_FEEL = "lookAndFeel";
1051     /**
1052      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the maximum size of a chunk of uploaded data.
1053      */
1054     public final static String PROP_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = "maxChunkSize";
1056     /**
1057      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the maximum size of a single file.
1058      */
1059     public final static String PROP_MAX_FILE_SIZE = "maxFileSize";
1061     /**
1062      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the maximum height of a picture.
1063      */
1064     public final static String PROP_MAX_HEIGHT = "maxPicHeight";
1066     /**
1067      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the maximum width of a picture.
1068      */
1069     public final static String PROP_MAX_WIDTH = "maxPicWidth";
1071     /**
1072      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the maximum number of file to be uploaded in a single request.
1073      */
1074     public final static String PROP_NB_FILES_PER_REQUEST = "nbFilesPerRequest";
1076     /**
1077      * Parameter/Property name for specifying compression of the written picture file, if any.
1078      */
1079     public final static String PROP_PICTURE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY = "pictureCompressionQuality";
1081     /**
1082      * Parameter/Property name for specifying whether picture metadata (EXIF coming from the camera for instance.
1083      */
1084     public final static String PROP_PICTURE_TRANSMIT_METADATA = "pictureTransmitMetadata";
1086     /**
1087      * Parameter/Property name for specifying URL of the upload post request.
1088      */
1089     public final static String PROP_POST_URL = "postURL";
1091     /**
1092      * Parameter/Property name for specifying URL of the upload post request.
1093      */
1094     public final static String PROP_AFTER_UPLOAD_TARGET = "afterUploadTarget";
1096     /**
1097      * Read cookies from javascript command: document.cookie (or not)
1098      */
1099     public final static String PROP_READ_COOKIE_FROM_NAVIGATOR = "readCookieFromNavigator";
1101     /**
1102      * Read userAgent from javascript command: document.userAgent (or not)
1103      */
1104     public final static String PROP_READ_USER_AGENT_FROM_NAVIGATOR = "readUserAgentFromNavigator";
1106     /**
1107      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the real (server-side-desired) picture height.
1108      */
1109     public final static String PROP_REAL_MAX_HEIGHT = "realMaxPicHeight";
1111     /**
1112      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the real (server-side-desired) picture width.
1113      */
1114     public final static String PROP_REAL_MAX_WIDTH = "realMaxPicWidth";
1116     /**
1117      * Maximum number of retries, that the applet will do, for upload resumable error. A 'upload resumable error', is
1118      * typically a network error. The default value is 0, to maintain the same behaviour as before.
1119      */
1120     public final static String PROP_RETRY_MAX_NUMBER_OF = "retryMaxNumberOf";
1122     /**
1123      * The number of seconds, to wait, before trying a new upload. This is used if <I>retryMaxNumberOf</I> is 1 or more,
1124      * and if 'resumable upload error' occurs.
1125      */
1126     public final static String PROP_RETRY_NB_SECONDS_BETWEEN = "retryNbSecondsBetween";
1128     /**
1129      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the server protocol version.
1130      */
1131     public final static String PROP_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "serverProtocol";
1133     /**
1134      * Parameter/Property name to spceify whether the md5sum for uploaded file should be sent.
1135      */
1136     public final static String PROP_SEND_MD5_SUM = "sendMD5Sum";
1138     /**
1139      * Parameter/Property name for specifying if the log window should be visible.
1140      */
1141     public final static String PROP_SHOW_LOGWINDOW = "showLogWindow";
1143     /**
1144      * Parameter/Property name for specifying if the status bar should be visible.
1145      */
1146     public final static String PROP_SHOW_STATUSBAR = "showStatusbar";
1148     /**
1149      * Parameter/Property name for specifying how certificates are handled when uploading via SSL.
1150      */
1151     public final static String PROP_SSL_VERIFY_CERT = "sslVerifyCert";
1153     /**
1154      * Parameter/Property name for specifying if the pattern that indicates an error in the server's response-body.
1155      */
1156     public final static String PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_ERROR = "stringUploadError";
1158     /**
1159      * Parameter/Property name for specifying if the pattern that indicates success in the server's response-body.
1160      */
1161     public final static String PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_SUCCESS = "stringUploadSuccess";
1163     /**
1164      * Parameter/Property name for specifying if the pattern that indicates a warning in the server's response-body.
1165      */
1166     public final static String PROP_STRING_UPLOAD_WARNING = "stringUploadWarning";
1168     /**
1169      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the target picture format conversions
1170      */
1171     public final static String PROP_TARGET_PICTURE_FORMAT = "targetPictureFormat";
1173     /**
1174      * Parameter/Property name for specifying if the original file extension should be changed if an image is converted
1175      * to another format
1176      */
1177     public final static String PROP_KEEP_ORIG_EXTENSION = "keepOriginalFileExtensionForConvertedImages";
1179     /**
1180      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the upload policy class.
1181      */
1182     public final static String PROP_UPLOAD_POLICY = "uploadPolicy";
1184     /**
1185      * Parameter/Property name for specifying the URL for delivering error reports.
1186      */
1187     public final static String PROP_URL_TO_SEND_ERROR_TO = "urlToSendErrorTo";
1189     /***************************************************************************
1190      * ************************************************************************ ************************* LIST OF
1191      * ALLOWED VALUES ********************* ************************************************************************
1192      **************************************************************************/
1194     /**
1195      * Indicates that, in the HTTP upload request, the parameter that containts the uploaded files is an Iteration. For
1196      * instance: from File0 to FileN (for N+1 files).
1197      */
1198     public final String HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ARRAY = "array";
1200     /**
1201      * Indicates that, in the HTTP upload request, the parameter that containts the uploaded files is an Iteration. For
1202      * instance: from File0 to FileN (for N+1 files).
1203      */
1204     public final String HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ITERATION = "iteration";
1206     /**
1207      * Indicates that, in the HTTP upload request, there will be only one file. This value is only valid when
1208      * nbFilesPerRequest is 1. The parameters in the HTTP upload request are let untransformed. For instance, if
1209      * httpUploadParameterName is the default value (File), the file content will be loaded under the HTTP parameter
1210      * 'File'.
1211      */
1212     public final String HTTPUPLOADPARAMETERTYPE_ONE_FILE = "oneFile";
1214     /** Indicates that the log window is always visible. */
1215     public final String SHOWLOGWINDOW_TRUE = "true";
1217     /** Indicates that the log window is always hidden. */
1218     public final String SHOWLOGWINDOW_FALSE = "false";
1220     /**
1221      * Indicates that the log window is hidden, and will become visible only when an error occurs.
1222      */
1223     public final String SHOWLOGWINDOW_ONERROR = "onError";
1225     /***************************************************************************
1226      * ************************************************************************ ************************* LIST OF
1227      * DEFAULT VALUES ********************** ************************************************************************
1228      **************************************************************************/
1230     /**
1231      * Default value for parameter "afterUploadTarget".
1232      */
1233     public final static String DEFAULT_AFTER_UPLOAD_TARGET = null;
1235     /**
1236      * Default value for parameter "afterUploadURL"
1237      */
1238     public final static String DEFAULT_AFTER_UPLOAD_URL = null;
1240     /**
1241      * Default value for parameter "allowHttpPersisten".
1242      */
1243     public final static boolean DEFAULT_ALLOW_HTTP_PERSISTENT = false;
1245     /**
1246      * Default value for parameter "allowedFileExtensions".
1247      */
1248     public final static String DEFAULT_ALLOWED_FILE_EXTENSIONS = null;
1250     /**
1251      * Default value for parameter "albumId".
1252      */
1253     public final static int DEFAULT_ALBUM_ID = 0;
1255     /**
1256      * Default value for parameter "storeBufferedImage". Be careful: if set to true, you'll probably have memory
1257      * problems while in a navigator.
1258      */
1259     public final static boolean DEFAULT_STORE_BUFFERED_IMAGE = false;
1261     /**
1262      * Default value for the browsing window first: no specific directory.
1263      */
1264     public final static String DEFAULT_BROWSING_DIRECTORY = null;
1266     /**
1267      * Default value for date format when changing date/time variable to String.
1268      */
1269     public final static String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss";
1271     /**
1272      * Default value for parameter "debugLevel".
1273      */
1274     public final static int DEFAULT_DEBUG_LEVEL = 0;
1276     /**
1277      * Default value for applet parameter "fileChooserIconFromFileContent".
1278      * 
1280      */
1281     public final static int DEFAULT_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_FROM_FILE_CONTENT = 0;
1283     /**
1284      * Default value for applet parameter "fileChooserIconSize".
1285      * 
1287      */
1288     public final static int DEFAULT_FILE_CHOOSER_ICON_SIZE = 20;
1290     /**
1291      * Default value for applet parameter "fileChooserImagePreview".
1292      * 
1294      */
1295     public final static boolean DEFAULT_FILE_CHOOSER_IMAGE_PREVIEW = true;
1297     /**
1298      * Default value for applet parameter "fileFilterName". This default value let the {@link DefaultUploadPolicy}
1299      * return a calculated name, which contains the list of allowed file extensions.
1300      * 
1301      * @see #PROP_FILE_FILTER_NAME
1303      */
1304     public final static String DEFAULT_FILE_FILTER_NAME = null;
1306     /**
1307      * Default value for applet parameter "ftpCreateDirectoryStructure".
1308      * 
1310      */
1311     public final static boolean DEFAULT_FTP_CREATE_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE = false;
1313     /** FTP: binary or ascii mode */
1314     public final static boolean DEFAULT_FTP_TRANSFERT_BINARY = true;
1316     /** FTP: passive or active mode */
1317     public final static boolean DEFAULT_FTP_TRANSFERT_PASSIVE = true;
1319     /** Default value for parameter "lang". */
1320     public final static String DEFAULT_LANG = null;
1322     /** Default value for parameter "fileListViewMode" */
1323     public final static FilePanel.FileListViewMode DEFAULT_FILE_LIST_VIEW_MODE = FilePanel.FileListViewMode.FLAT;
1325     /** Default value for parameter "filenameEncoding". Note: the CoppermineUploadPolicy forces it to "UTF8". */
1326     public final static String DEFAULT_FILENAME_ENCODING = null;
1328     /** Default value for parameter "highQualityPreview". */
1329     public final static boolean DEFAULT_HIGH_QUALITY_PREVIEW = false;
1331     /** Default value for parameter "httpUploadParameterName". */
1332     public final static String DEFAULT_HTTP_UPLOAD_PARAMETER_NAME = "File";
1334     /** Default value for parameter "httpUploadParameterName". */
1337     /** Default value for parameter "lookAndFeel". */
1338     public final static String DEFAULT_LOOK_AND_FEEL = "";
1340     /** Default value for parameter "maxChunkSize". */
1341     public final static long DEFAULT_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = Long.MAX_VALUE;
1343     /**
1344      * Default value for parameter "maxFileSize". Take care of this parameter if chunk upload is activated! See comment
1345      * above.
1346      */
1347     public final static long DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE = Long.MAX_VALUE;
1349     /** Default value for parameter "maxPicWidth". */
1350     public final static int DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
1352     /** Default value for parameter "maxPicHeight". */
1353     public final static int DEFAULT_MAX_HEIGHT = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
1355     /**
1356      * Default value for parameter "maxPicHeight". Note: the CoppermineUploadPolicy forces it to 1.
1357      */
1358     public final static int DEFAULT_NB_FILES_PER_REQUEST = 1;
1360     /**
1361      * Default value for parameter "pictureCompressionQuality".
1362      */
1363     public final static float DEFAULT_PICTURE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY = (float) 0.8;
1365     /**
1366      * Default value for parameter "pictureCompressionQuality".
1367      */
1368     public final static boolean DEFAULT_PICTURE_TRANSMIT_METADATA = false;
1370     /**
1371      * Default value for parameter "postURL".
1372      */
1373     public final static String DEFAULT_POST_URL = null;
1375     /**
1376      * Default value for parameter "readCookieFromNavigator".
1377      */
1378     public final static boolean DEFAULT_READ_COOKIE_FROM_NAVIGATOR = true;
1380     /**
1381      * Default value for parameter "readUserAgentFromNavigator".
1382      */
1383     public final static boolean DEFAULT_READ_USER_AGENT_FROM_NAVIGATOR = true;
1385     /**
1386      * Default value for parameter "realMaxPicWidth".
1387      */
1388     public final static int DEFAULT_REAL_MAX_WIDTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
1390     /**
1391      * Default value for parameter "realMaxPicHeight".
1392      */
1393     public final static int DEFAULT_REAL_MAX_HEIGHT = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
1395     /**
1396      * Default value for parameter "retryMaxNumberOf".
1397      */
1398     public final static int DEFAULT_RETRY_MAX_NUMBER_OF = 1;
1400     /**
1401      * Default value for parameter "retryNbSecondsBetween".
1402      */
1403     public final static int DEFAULT_RETRY_NB_SECONDS_BETWEEN = 30;
1405     /**
1406      * Default value for parameter "serverProtocol".
1407      */
1408     public final static String DEFAULT_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "HTTP/1.1";
1410     /**
1411      * Default value for the sendMD5Sum applet parameter
1412      */
1413     public final static boolean DEFAULT_SEND_MD5_SUM = false;
1415     /**
1416      * Default value for parameter "showLogWindow".
1417      */
1418     public final static String DEFAULT_SHOW_LOGWINDOW = "true";
1420     /**
1421      * Default value for parameter "showStatusBar".
1422      */
1423     public final static boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_STATUSBAR = true;
1425     /**
1426      * Default value for parameter "sslVerifyCert"
1427      */
1428     public final static String DEFAULT_SPECIFIC_HEADERS = null;
1430     /**
1431      * Default value for parameter "sslVerifyCert"
1432      */
1433     public final static String DEFAULT_SSL_VERIFY_CERT = "none";
1435     /**
1436      * Default value for parameter "stringUploadError".
1437      * 
1438      * @since 2.9.2rc4
1439      */
1440     public final static String DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_ERROR = "^ERROR: (.*)$";
1442     /**
1443      * Default value for parameter "stringUploadSuccess". Note: was ".* 200 OK$" before 2.9.0
1444      */
1445     public final static String DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_SUCCESS = "^SUCCESS$";
1447     /**
1448      * Default value for parameter "stringUploadWarning".
1449      */
1450     public final static String DEFAULT_STRING_UPLOAD_WARNING = "^WARNING: (.*)$";
1452     /**
1453      * Default value for parameter "targetPictureFormat".
1454      */
1455     public final static String DEFAULT_TARGET_PICTURE_FORMAT = null;
1457     /**
1458      * default value for parameter "keepOriginalFileExtensionForConvertedImages"
1459      */
1460     public final static boolean DEFAULT_KEEP_ORIG_EXTENSION = false;
1462     /**
1463      * Default value for parameter "uploadPolicy".
1464      */
1465     public final static String DEFAULT_UPLOAD_POLICY = "DefaultUploadPolicy";
1467     /**
1468      * Default value for parameter "urlToSendErrorTo".
1469      */
1470     public final static String DEFAULT_URL_TO_SEND_ERROR_TO = null;
1472     /**
1473      * Default value for parameter "formdata"
1474      * 
1475      * @since 2.9.2rc4
1476      */
1477     public final static String DEFAULT_FORMDATA = null;
1479     /***************************************************************************/
1480     /******************** MISC CONSTANTS ***************************************/
1481     /***************************************************************************/
1483     /**
1484      * Indicating that the applet is currently waiting for the user, to select files or start an uploading.
1485      */
1486     public final static int EXEC_STATUS_READY = 1;
1488     /** Indicating that the applet is currently uploading files */
1489     public final static int EXEC_STATUS_UPLOADING = 2;
1491     /***************************************************************************
1492      * ************************************************************************* ********************* LIST OF METHODS
1493      * ********************************** *************************************************************************
1494      **************************************************************************/
1496     /**
1497      * This method allows the upolad policy to override the content of the applet part that is above the file list,
1498      * called here the 'top panel'. That is: the part that contains the Browse, Remove and RemoveAll buttons. The
1499      * default implementation is defined in
1500      * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy#createTopPanel(JButton, JButton, JButton, JUploadPanel)} . <BR>
1501      * You can see an example in the {@link PictureUploadPolicy#createTopPanel(JButton, JButton, JButton, JUploadPanel)}
1502      * upload policy implementation. <BR>
1503      * <B>Note:</B> This method is called by the {@link DefaultUploadPolicy#addComponentsToJUploadPanel(JUploadPanel)}
1504      * method. If you create an upload policy that overrides the addComponentsToJUploadPanel method, it's up to you to
1505      * call it.
1506      * 
1507      * @param browse The default browse button.
1508      * @param remove The default removeSelected button.
1509      * @param removeAll The default removeAll button.
1510      * @param mainPanel The panel that contains all objects.
1511      * @return the topPanel, that will be displayed on the top of the Applet.
1512      */
1513     public JPanel createTopPanel(JButton browse, JButton remove, JButton removeAll, JUploadPanel mainPanel);
1515     /**
1516      * This method is called to create the progress panel. The default implementation is defined in
1517      * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy#createProgressPanel(JProgressBar, JProgressBar, JButton, JButton, JUploadPanel)}
1518      * .
1519      * 
1520      * @param preparationProgressBar The default preparation progress bar.
1521      * @param uploadProgressBar The default upload progress bar.
1522      * @param uploadButton The default upload button.
1523      * @param stopButton The default stop button.
1524      * @param mainPanel The panel that contains all objects.
1525      * @return the topPanel, that will be displayed on the top of the Applet.
1526      */
1527     public JPanel createProgressPanel(JProgressBar preparationProgressBar, JProgressBar uploadProgressBar,
1528             JButton uploadButton, JButton stopButton, JUploadPanel mainPanel);
1530     /**
1531      * This method is used to create a new status bar. The default implementation is defined in
1532      * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy#createStatusBar(JLabel, JUploadPanel)} .
1533      * 
1534      * @param statusContent The status bar content
1535      * @param mainPanel The panel that contains all objects.
1536      * @return the topPanel, that will be displayed on the top of the Applet.
1537      */
1538     public JPanel createStatusBar(JLabel statusContent, JUploadPanel mainPanel);
1540     /**
1541      * This methods allow the upload policy to override the default disposition of the components on the applet.<br>
1542      * There are some utility methods to style file panel elements (font/color), see
1543      * {@link wjhk.jupload2.gui.filepanel.FilePanel}.
1544      * 
1545      * @param jUploadPanel The main applet panel.
1546      * @see #createTopPanel(JButton, JButton, JButton, JUploadPanel)
1547      */
1548     public void addComponentsToJUploadPanel(JUploadPanel jUploadPanel);
1550     /**
1551      * This methods creates a new FileData instance (or one of its inherited classes), and return it to the caller.
1552      * 
1553      * @param file The file used to create the FileData instance. This method is called once for each file selected by
1554      *            the user, even if the user added several files in one 'shot'.
1555      * @param root An optional toplevel directory of a hierarchy (can be null).
1556      * @return A FileData instance. The exact class depends on the currentUploadPolicy. Can be null, if the policy
1557      *         performs checks, and the given file is not Ok for these controls. See
1558      *         {@link PictureUploadPolicy#createFileData(File,File)} for an example. It's up to the upload policy to
1559      *         display a message to inform the user that this file won't be added to the file list.
1560      * @throws JUploadExceptionStopAddingFiles The exception is not really an error. It allows an easy way to indicates
1561      *             that the applet should stop adding files when the user clicked on the 'Cancel' button.
1562      */
1563     public FileData createFileData(File file) throws JUploadExceptionStopAddingFiles;
1565     /**
1566      * This method displays the applet parameter list, according to the current debugLevel. It is called by the
1567      * {@link #setDebugLevel(int)} method. It should be override by any subclasses, that should display its own
1568      * parameters, then call <i>super.displayParameterStatus()</i>.
1569      */
1570     public void displayParameterStatus();
1572     /**
1573      * Reaction to the applet start. This method was added from the patch 3035735 given by Tsukasa Hamano (SF login:
1574      * cuspy). Its aim is to move all call to JSObject from the applet.init() method to the applet.start() method. This
1575      * prevents a crash, under Safari.
1576      */
1577     public void start();
1579     /**
1580      * This method is called by the {@link JUploadPanel#updateButtonState()} method, when the execution status of the
1581      * applet changes. This allow the applet to manage specific GUI items, depending on the current execution status of
1582      * the applet.
1583      * 
1584      * @param executionStatus One of the EXEC_STATUS_XXX constant.
1585      */
1586     public void updateButtonState(int executionStatus);
1588     // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1589     // /////////////////// getters / setters
1590     // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1592     /**
1593      * This allow runtime modifications of properties. With this method, you can change any applet parameter after the
1594      * applet initilization, with JavaScript for instance. If the applet parameters given in <i>prop</i> is not managed
1595      * by this method, a warning is displayed in the log window.
1596      * 
1597      * @param prop The applet parameter name.
1598      * @param value The new value for this parameter. If the value is not valid (for instance <i>aaa</i> for a number),
1599      *            a warning is displayed in the log window, and the existing value is not changed.
1600      * @throws JUploadException
1601      * @exception JUploadExceptionStopAddingFiles indicates that the applet should stop strying adding the current file
1602      *                selection. Useful for instance, when a user drop a directory, full of unallowed file: it's
1603      *                annoying for the user to click 'Ok' for each file in the alert box.
1604      */
1605     public void setProperty(String prop, String value) throws JUploadException;
1607     /**
1608      * Retrieves the current value for the afterUploadURL applet parameter.
1609      * 
1610      * @return The current value for he afterUploadURL applet parameter.
1611      */
1612     public String getAfterUploadURL();
1614     /**
1615      * Retrieves the current value for allowHttpPersistent
1616      * 
1617      * @return Current value for allowHttpPersistent
1618      */
1619     public boolean getAllowHttpPersistent();
1621     /**
1622      * Retrieves the current value for allowedFileExtensions *
1623      * 
1624      * @return Current value for allowedFileExtensions
1625      */
1626     public String getAllowedFileExtensions();
1628     /**
1629      * A useful function, that has nothing to do with an upload policy. But it is useful to have it here, as the
1630      * uploadPolicy is known everywhere in the applet.
1631      * 
1632      * @return Reference to the current JUpload context.
1633      */
1634     public JUploadContext getContext();
1636     /**
1637      * Set the current directory.
1638      * 
1639      * @param currentBrowsingDirectoryParam The directory that will be the current one, the next time the file chooser
1640      *            is opened.
1641      * @see #getCurrentBrowsingDirectory()
1642      * @deprecated
1643      */
1644     public void setCurrentBrowsingDirectory(File currentBrowsingDirectoryParam);
1646     /**
1647      * Set the current directory.
1648      * 
1649      * @param currentBrowsingDirectoryParam The directory that will be the current one, the next time the file chooser
1650      *            is opened. This directory may begin with ~/ or ~\
1651      * @see #getCurrentBrowsingDirectory()
1652      */
1653     public void setCurrentBrowsingDirectory(String currentBrowsingDirectoryParam);
1655     /**
1656      * Returns the current browsing directory, that is: the directory that will be current the next time the file
1657      * chooser is opened. It is initialized with the browsingDirectory applet parameter. Then, it contains the last
1658      * directory used in the file chooser.
1659      * 
1660      * @return The directory that will be the current one, the next time the file chooser is opened.
1661      */
1662     public File getCurrentBrowsingDirectory();
1664     /**
1665      * Returns the currently choosen format for date. It must be compatible with the SimpleDateFormat standard Java
1666      * class.
1667      * 
1668      * @return The date format.
1669      */
1670     public String getDateFormat();
1672     /**
1673      * This method indicate whether or not the debug messages must be displayed. Default is no debug (0). <br>
1674      * To activate the debug, add a 'debugLevel' parameter to the applet (with 1 to n value), or call this method.
1675      * Currently, level used in the code are between 0 (no debug) and 100 (max debug). <br>
1676      * With a 0 value, no debug messages will be displayed. The {@link DefaultUploadPolicy}.addMsgToDebugBufferString
1677      * method stores all debug output in a BufferString.
1678      * 
1679      * @param debugLevel The new debugLevel.
1680      * @see DefaultUploadPolicy#sendDebugInformation(String, Exception)
1681      */
1682     public void setDebugLevel(int debugLevel);
1684     /**
1685      * This method returns the current debug level.
1686      * 
1687      * @return The current debug level
1688      * @see #setDebugLevel(int)
1689      */
1690     public int getDebugLevel();
1692     /**
1693      * Getter for the fileFilterName property.
1694      * 
1695      * @return Stored value for fileFilterName
1696      * @see UploadPolicy#PROP_FILE_FILTER_NAME
1697      */
1698     public String getFileFilterName();
1700     /**
1701      * Getter for the fileChooserIconFromFileContent applet parameter.
1702      * 
1703      * @return Stored value for fileChooserIconFromFileContent
1705      */
1706     public int getFileChooserIconFromFileContent();
1708     /**
1709      * Getter for the fileChooserIconSize applet parameter.
1710      * 
1711      * @return Stored value for fileChooserIconSize
1713      */
1714     public int getFileChooserIconSize();
1716     /**
1717      * Getter for the fileListViewMode applet parameter.
1718      * 
1719      * @return The mode for displaying the file list (flat or tree view)
1720      */
1721     public FilePanel.FileListViewMode getFileListViewMode();
1723     /**
1724      * Setter for the fileListViewMode applet parameter: it can be changed at runtime, by the user.
1725      * 
1726      * @return The mode for displaying the file list (flat or tree view)
1727      */
1728     public void setFileListViewMode(FilePanel.FileListViewMode fileListViewMode);
1730     /**
1731      * Returns the encoding that should be used for the filename. This encoding has no impact on the content of the file
1732      * that will be uploaded.
1733      * 
1734      * @return The encoding name, like UTF-8 (see the Charset JDK documentation).
1735      */
1736     public String getFilenameEncoding();
1738     /**
1739      * Returns the current value for the ftpCreateDirectoryStructure applet parameter.
1740      * 
1741      * @return The current value of ftpCreateDirectoryStructure
1742      */
1743     public boolean getFtpCreateDirectoryStructure();
1745     /**
1746      * Returns the current value for the ftpTransfertBinary applet parameter.
1747      * 
1748      * @return The current value of ftpTransfertBinary
1749      */
1750     public boolean getFtpTransfertBinary();
1752     /**
1753      * Returns the current value for the ftpTransfertPassive applet parameter.
1754      * 
1755      * @return The current value of ftpTransfertPassive
1756      */
1757     public boolean getFtpTransfertPassive();
1759     /**
1760      * This method sets the current language to take into account. It loads the lang resourceBundle, which will allow
1761      * the applet to display the texts in the correct language.
1762      * 
1763      * @param lang The new language to take into account. See the java.util.Locale(String) constructor for a list of
1764      *            valid values.
1765      */
1766     public void setLang(String lang);
1768     /**
1769      * Returns the value of the applet parameter maxChunkSize (see above for a description of all applet parameters)
1770      * 
1771      * @return the current value of maxChunkSize.
1772      */
1773     public long getMaxChunkSize();
1775     /**
1776      * Returns the value of the applet parameter maxFileSize (see above for a description of all applet parameters)
1777      * 
1778      * @return the current value of maxFileSize.
1779      */
1780     public long getMaxFileSize();
1782     /**
1783      * This function returns the number of files should be uploaded during one access to the server. If negative or 0,
1784      * all files are to be uploaded in one HTTP request. If positive, each HTTP upload contains this number of files.
1785      * The last upload request may contain less files. <br>
1786      * Examples :
1787      * <UL>
1788      * <li>If 1 : files are uploaded file by file.
1789      * <li>If 5 : files are uploaded 5 files by 5 files. If 12 files are uploaded, 3 HTTP upload are done, containing 5,
1790      * 5 and 2 files.
1791      * </UL>
1792      * 
1793      * @return Returns the maximum number of files, to download in one HTTP request.
1794      */
1795     public int getNbFilesPerRequest();
1797     /**
1798      * Return the current value of readUserAgentFromNavigator
1799      * 
1800      * @return Current value of readUserAgentFromNavigator
1801      */
1802     public boolean getReadUserAgentFromNavigator();
1804     /**
1805      * Return the current value of retryMaxNumberOf
1806      * 
1807      * @return Current value of retryMaxNumberOf
1808      */
1809     public int getRetryMaxNumberOf();
1811     /**
1812      * Return the current value of retryNbSecondsBetween
1813      * 
1814      * @return Current value of retryNbSecondsBetween
1815      */
1816     public int getRetryNbSecondsBetween();
1818     /**
1819      * Return the current value of readCookieFromNavigator
1820      * 
1821      * @return Current value of readCookieFromNavigator
1822      */
1823     public boolean getReadCookieFromNavigator();
1825     /**
1826      * Get the target URL for upload.
1827      * 
1828      * @return Should be valid URL...
1829      */
1830     public String getPostURL();
1832     /**
1833      * The URL can change during the life of our policy ...
1834      * 
1835      * @param postURL
1836      * @throws JUploadException
1837      */
1838     public void setPostURL(String postURL) throws JUploadException;
1840     /**
1841      * Return the target, specified as applet parameter "afterUploadTarget"
1842      * 
1843      * @return the specified target.
1844      */
1845     public String getAfterUploadTarget();
1847     /**
1848      * HTTP protocol that should be used to send the HTTP request. Currently, this is mainly used by
1849      * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.CoppermineUploadPolicy}, as the coppermine control that the protocol used for each
1850      * HTTP request is the same as the one used during the session creation. It is used in the default policy, as it
1851      * could be used elsewhere. <br>
1852      * Default is : HTTP/1.1
1853      * 
1854      * @return The selected server protocol.
1855      */
1856     public String getServerProtocol();
1858     /**
1859      * @param serverProtocol The protocol is set from the postURL. For HTTP URL, a HEAD request is done toward the
1860      *            server, to check if any temporary redirection is occuring.
1861      */
1862     public void setServerProtocol(String serverProtocol);
1864     /**
1865      * MD5Sum allows the server to control that the file has been correctly uploaded. This is interesting, when
1866      * uploading in chunk mode. But calculating this can be long, for big files.
1867      * 
1868      * @return true or false, whether the md5sum should be processed and sent to the server.
1869      */
1870     public boolean getSendMD5Sum();
1872     /**
1873      * MD5Sum allows the server to control that the file has been correctly uploaded. This is interesting, when
1874      * uploading in chunk mode. But calculating this can be long, for big files.
1875      * 
1876      * @param sendMD5Sum true or false, whether the md5sum should be processed and sent to the server.
1877      */
1878     public void setSendMD5Sum(boolean sendMD5Sum);
1880     /**
1881      * Retrieves SSL verification mode.
1882      * 
1883      * @return The current SSL verification mode.
1884      */
1885     public int getSslVerifyCert();
1887     /**
1888      * @param showLogWindow The show window status to set.
1889      * @see #getShowLogWindow()
1890      */
1891     public void setShowLogWindow(String showLogWindow);
1893     /**
1894      * Indicate whether the log window should be shown. It may be convenient to hide it, as it contains mostly debug
1895      * information. But it still is the only place where possible errors and warnings are shown.<br>
1896      * Default is : true
1897      * 
1898      * @return The current value for the <i>showStatusBar</i> applet parameter.
1899      */
1900     public String getShowLogWindow();
1902     /**
1903      * Returns the list of specific headers, that will be added to all HTTP request to the server.
1904      * 
1905      * @return List of specific headers, with a \r\n at the end of each header.
1906      */
1907     public String getSpecificHeaders();
1909     /**
1910      * Get the original name of the file on the disk. This function can encode the filename (see the filenameEncoding
1911      * parameter). By default, the original filename is returned.
1912      * 
1913      * @param fileData The file data whose upload file name must be calculated.
1914      * @param index index of the file in the current request to the server (from 0 to n)
1915      * @return The filename the is given in the filename part of the Content-Disposition header.
1916      * @throws JUploadException
1917      */
1918     public String getUploadFilename(FileData fileData, int index) throws JUploadException;
1920     /**
1921      * Get an upload filename, that is to be send in the HTTP upload request. This is the name part of the
1922      * Content-Disposition header. That is: this is the name under which you can manage the file (for instance in the
1923      * _FILES[$name] in PHP) and not the filename of the original file. <BR>
1924      * If you're using one of the core JUpload {@link UploadPolicy}, the value for this parameter is controled by the
1925      * applet parameters: targetPictureFormat and keepOriginalFileExtensionForConvertedImages.
1926      * 
1927      * @param fileData The file data whose upload name must be calculated.
1928      * @param index index of the file in the current request to the server (from 0 to n)
1929      * @return The name part of the Content-Disposition header.
1930      * @throws JUploadException
1931      * @see #getUploadFilename(FileData, int)
1932      */
1933     public String getUploadName(FileData fileData, int index) throws JUploadException;
1935     /**
1936      * Returns the current URL where error log must be posted. See <a href="#parameters">Parameters</a>
1937      * 
1938      * @return the urlToSendErrorTo
1939      */
1940     public String getUrlToSendErrorTo();
1942     /**
1943      * @param urlToSendErrorTo the urlToSendErrorTo to set
1944      * @throws JUploadException
1945      */
1946     public void setUrlToSendErrorTo(String urlToSendErrorTo) throws JUploadException;
1948     /**
1949      * Retrieve the regular expression that will be tested against each line of the server answer. If one line matches
1950      * this expression, that upload is marked as failed. <br>
1951      * 
1952      * @return The regular expression that must be run again each line of the http answer.
1953      */
1954     public String getStringUploadError();
1956     /**
1957      * Get the regular expression that will be tested against each line of the server answer. If one line matches this
1958      * expression, that upload is marked as successful. <br>
1959      * The upload works this way:
1960      * <ol>
1961      * <li>Upload the selected file(s) to the server
1962      * <li>Get all the server HTTP response.
1963      * <li>The stringUploadSuccess regular expression is tested against each line from the server.
1964      * <li>If the above test gives a match, the upload is marked as successful. Else, the upload is marked as
1965      * unsuccessful, and a JUploadExceptionUploadFailure is thrown.
1966      * </ol>
1967      * 
1968      * @return The regular expression that must be run again each line of the http answer.
1969      */
1970     public String getStringUploadSuccess();
1972     /**
1973      * Retrieve the regular expression that will be tested against each line of the server answer. If one line matches
1974      * this expression, a warning message is displayed to the user. <br>
1975      * 
1976      * @return The regular expression that must be run again each line of the http answer.
1977      * @see #getStringUploadError()
1978      * @see #getStringUploadSuccess()
1979      */
1980     public String getStringUploadWarning();
1982     /**
1983      * Retrieve the applet's "formdata" parameter.
1984      * 
1985      * @return The applet's formdata parameter.
1986      */
1987     public String getFormdata();
1989     /**
1990      * Retrieve the applet's "httpUploadParameterName" parameter.
1991      * 
1992      * @return The applet's httpUploadParameterName parameter.
1993      */
1994     public String getHttpUploadParameterName();
1996     /**
1997      * Retrieve the applet's "httpUploadParameterType" parameter.
1998      * 
1999      * @return The applet's httpUploadParameterType parameter.
2000      */
2001     public String getHttpUploadParameterType();
2003     // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2004     // /////////////////// miscellaneous methods
2005     // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2007     /**
2008      * Reaction by the upload policy, once the management of the dropped file(s) is finished, that is: after all the
2009      * dropped files have been successfully added to the file list.
2010      * 
2011      * @param dropEvent The event containing the dropped file
2012      */
2013     public void afterFileDropped(DropTargetDropEvent dropEvent);
2017     /**
2018      * The creation of the file chooser is controled by the upload policy, to allow fine control of the way to select
2019      * files. For instance, the {@link PictureUploadPolicy} creates a file chooser, and add an accessory to preview
2020      * pictures.
2021      * 
2022      * @return Return the specific file choose, according to this upload policy.
2023      */
2024     public JUploadFileChooser createFileChooser();
2026     /**
2027      * This methods is called by the {@link JUploadFileFilter#accept(File)}. It allows the current upload policy to
2028      * filter files, according to any choosen applet behaviour. This filter applied only when using the fileChooser.
2029      * Files dropped onto the applet won't trigger this function.<br>
2030      * In the {@link DefaultUploadPolicy} upload policy, this filter is based on the applet parameter:
2031      * <i>allowedFileExtensions</i>.
2032      * 
2033      * @param file Allows the applet to filter files from the file chooser.
2034      * @return true or false, whether the file is accepted or not.
2035      * @see JUploadPanel
2036      */
2037     public boolean fileFilterAccept(File file);
2039     /**
2040      * Return a description for the FileFilter, according to the current upload policy.
2041      * 
2042      * @return A description for the current filter
2043      */
2044     public String fileFilterGetDescription();
2046     /**
2047      * Response for the {@link JUploadFileView#getIcon(File)}. Default is implemented in
2048      * {@link DefaultUploadPolicy#fileViewGetIcon(File)}, by returning null, which displays the default icon.
2049      * 
2050      * @param file The file from which the icon should represent.
2051      * @return The resulting icon.
2052      */
2053     public Icon fileViewGetIcon(File file);
2055     /**
2056      * This method changes the current mouse cursor to the wait one. It returns the old one so that, it can be restored,
2057      * once the work is done.
2058      * 
2059      * @return The cursor that was active, before changing to the wait one.
2060      * @see #setCursor(Cursor)
2061      */
2062     public Cursor setWaitCursor();
2064     /**
2065      * Changes the current mouse cursor. This method can be called at the end of a big treatement, to restore the cursor
2066      * returned by the {@link #setWaitCursor()}.
2067      * 
2068      * @param cursor The cursor that must be set.
2069      * @return The cursor that was active before setting the new one. Can be used to restore its previous state.
2070      */
2071     public Cursor setCursor(Cursor cursor);
2073     // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2075     // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2077     /**
2078      * This method allows the applet to post debug information to the website (see {@link #getUrlToSendErrorTo()}).
2079      * Then, it is possible to log the error, to send a mail...
2080      * 
2081      * @param reason A string describing briefly the problem. The mail subject will be something like: Jupload Error
2082      *            (reason)
2083      * @param exception The java exception that was raised, or null if no exception.
2084      */
2085     public void sendDebugInformation(String reason, Exception exception);
2087     /**
2088      * log an error message, based on an exception. Will be logged in the log window, if defined. <BR>
2089      * The dialog box will only contain an Ok button. Same as caling: displayErr(e, JOptionPane.OK_OPTION);
2090      * 
2091      * @param e The exception to report
2092      */
2093     public void displayErr(Exception e);
2095     /**
2096      * log an error message, based on an exception. Will be logged in the log window, if defined.<BR>
2097      * 
2098      * @param err The erreur message to be displayed. If null the exception (or it's cause if any) message is displayed.
2099      * @param e The exception to report
2100      * @param optionType One of the valid {@link JOptionPane} option types for the
2101      *            {@link JOptionPane#showConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component, Object, String, int)} method:
2102      *            OK_CANCEL_OPTION, YES_NO_OPTION, YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION... -1 is also accepted, to only have the Ok
2103      *            button. OK_OPTION is prohibited, as it has the same value as YES_NO_OPTION.
2104      * @return The XXX_OPTION, corresponding to the button clicked by the user.
2105      */
2106     public int displayErr(String err, Exception e, int optionType);
2108     /**
2109      * log an error message. Will be logged in the log window, if defined. <BR>
2110      * The dialog box will only contain an Ok button.
2111      * 
2112      * @param err The erreur message to be displayed.
2113      */
2114     public void displayErr(String err);
2116     /**
2117      * log an error message. Will be logged in the log window, if defined. <BR>
2118      * The dialog box will only contain an Ok button.
2119      * 
2120      * @param err The error message to be displayed.
2121      * @param e An exception. It's stacktrace is logged.
2122      */
2123     public void displayErr(String err, Exception e);
2125     /**
2126      * log an info message. Will be logged in the log window, if defined.
2127      * 
2128      * @param info The information message that will be displayed.
2129      */
2130     public void displayInfo(String info);
2132     /**
2133      * log a warning message. Will be logged in the log window, if defined.
2134      * 
2135      * @param warn The warning message that will be displayed.
2136      */
2137     public void displayWarn(String warn);
2139     /**
2140      * log a debug message. Will be logged in the log window, if defined.
2141      * 
2142      * @param debug The message to display.
2143      * @param minDebugLevel If the current debug level is superior or equals to minDebugLevel, the message will be
2144      *            displayed. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
2145      */
2146     public void displayDebug(String debug, int minDebugLevel);
2148     // Others
2150     /**
2151      * Add an header to the list of headers that will be added to each HTTP upload request. This method is called from
2152      * specific uploadPolicies, which would need headers to be added to all uploads. These headers are used in
2153      * {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.DefaultUploadPolicy}.
2154      * 
2155      * @param header
2156      * @see #onAppendHeader(ByteArrayEncoder)
2157      */
2158     public void addHeader(String header);
2160     /**
2161      * Append specific headers for this upload (session cookies, for instance). This method is called while building
2162      * each upload HTTP request.
2163      * 
2164      * @param sb The header {@link ByteArrayEncoder} where specific headers should be appended.
2165      * @return The {@link ByteArrayEncoder} given in parameters. This is allows to work like with StringBuffer.append
2166      *         method: sb.append(s1).append(s2);
2167      * @throws JUploadIOException
2168      * @see #addHeader(String)
2169      * @see wjhk.jupload2.upload.FileUploadThread
2170      */
2171     public ByteArrayEncoder onAppendHeader(ByteArrayEncoder sb) throws JUploadIOException;
2173     /**
2174      * This method is called each time a file is selected in the panel files. It allows, for instance, to preview a
2175      * picture {@link wjhk.jupload2.policies.PictureUploadPolicy}.
2176      * 
2177      * @param fileData
2178      */
2179     public void onFileSelected(FileData fileData);
2181     /**
2182      * Reaction when the user double click on a file, in the file list. Default is no reaction. In
2183      * {@link PictureUploadPolicy}, it will open a {@link PictureDialog}.
2184      * 
2185      * @param fileData
2186      */
2187     public void onFileDoubleClicked(FileData fileData);
2189     /**
2190      * Execute any action, that must be done before upload. For instance, {@link PictureUploadPolicy} disable the
2191      * rotation buttons during buttons. The {@link DefaultUploadPolicy#beforeUpload()} method just returns true.
2192      * 
2193      * @return indicate if everything is ready for upload.
2194      */
2195     public boolean beforeUpload();
2197     /**
2198      * This method returns true, if upload is a success. A HTTP response of "200 OK" indicates that the server response
2199      * is techically correct. But, it may be a functionnal error. For instance, the server could answer by a proper HTTP
2200      * page, that the user is no allowed to upload files. It's up to the uploadPolicy to check this, and answer true or
2201      * false to this method. <br>
2202      * This method is called once for each HTTP request toward the server. For instance, if the upload is done file by
2203      * file, and there are three files to upload, this method will be called three times. <br>
2204      * So this method is different from the {@link #afterUpload(Exception, String)}, that will be called only once in
2205      * this case, after the three calls to the checkUploadSuccess method.
2206      * 
2207      * @param status The numeric response status (e.g. 200)
2208      * @param msg The status message from the first line of the response (e.g. "200 OK").
2209      * @param body The http body part (that is: the serverOuput without the http headers and the blank line that follow
2210      *            them).
2211      * @return true (or an exception is raised, instead of returning false). This garantees that all cases are handled:
2212      *         the compiler will indicate an error if the code can come to the end of the method, without finding a
2213      *         'return' or a throw exception. This return code can be ignored by the caller.
2214      * @throws JUploadException Thrown if the success conditions are not met.
2215      */
2216     public boolean checkUploadSuccess(int status, String msg, String body) throws JUploadException;
2218     /**
2219      * This method is called after an upload, whether it is successful or not. This method is called once for each click
2220      * of the user on the 'upload' button. That is: if the nbFilesPerRequest is 2, and the user selected 5 files before
2221      * clicking on the 'upload' button. Then the afterUpload is called once the 5 files were uploaded to the server.
2222      * 
2223      * @param e null if success, or the exception indicating the problem.
2224      * @param serverOutput The full server output, including the HTTP headers.
2225      * @throws JUploadException
2226      */
2227     public void afterUpload(Exception e, String serverOutput) throws JUploadException;
2229     /**
2230      * Returns the current locale. It is the default value at startup, based on the local computer configuration. Then,
2231      * if the lang applet parameter is given, this method the Locale initialized from this lang parameter.
2232      * 
2233      * @return The current Locale for the current policy.
2234      */
2235     public Locale getLocale();
2237     /**
2238      * Retrieve a lang string, based on the file cointained in the wjhk.jupload2.lang package. This allows localization.
2239      * 
2240      * @param key The key, whose associated text is to retrieve. This text must respect the constraints of the
2241      *            {@link String#format(String, Object...)} method, that is called in the
2242      *            {@link DefaultUploadPolicy#getLocalizedString(String, Object...)} implementation of this method.
2243      * @param args The optional parameters, that will replace the placeholders in the localized text identified by
2244      *            'key'.
2245      * @return The associated text.
2246      */
2247     public String getLocalizedString(String key, Object... args);
2249     /**
2250      * Displays a MessageBox with a unique 'Ok' button, by calling the
2251      * {@link JOptionPane#showMessageDialog(java.awt.Component, Object)} method.
2252      * 
2253      * @param key The string identifying the text to display, depending on the current language.
2254      * @see #alertStr(String)
2255      */
2256     public void alert(String key);
2258     /**
2259      * Displays a MessageBox with a unique 'Ok' button, by calling the
2260      * {@link JOptionPane#showMessageDialog(java.awt.Component, Object)} method.
2261      * 
2262      * @param str The full String that must be displayed to the user.
2263      * @see #alert(String)
2264      */
2265     public void alertStr(String str);
2267     /**
2268      * Displays a MessageBox with a unique 'Ok' button, by calling the
2269      * {@link JOptionPane#showConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component, Object, String, int)} method.
2270      * 
2271      * @param str The full String that must be displayed to the user.
2272      * @param optionTypes The options indicating the button to display. Valid options are the options valid for the
2273      *            {@link JOptionPane#showConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component, Object, String, int)} method.
2274      * @return The JOptionConstant that indicates the button the user cliecked on (for instance OK_OPTION)
2275      * @see #alert(String)
2276      */
2277     public int confirmDialogStr(String str, int optionTypes);
2279     /**
2280      * Indicates that an error occurs.
2281      * 
2282      * @return The last Exception that occurs in the applet. null if no exception occurs.
2283      */
2284     public JUploadException getLastException();
2286     /**
2287      * Retrieve the body of the last server response.
2288      * 
2289      * @return The string containing the last server response (body);
2290      */
2291     public String getLastResponseBody();
2293     /**
2294      * Retrieve the status/error message of the last server response.
2295      * 
2296      * @return The string containing either the last server status or (if the error regex matches, the parsed error
2297      *         message.
2298      */
2299     public String getLastResponseMessage();
2300 }